Question Looking for EVGA 2080 Super upgrade


Oct 25, 2013
I recently noticed that when I try to play current AAA Games at Max/Ultra Settings that my FPS ranges from 50-70 at 1440p. When I first got this GPU I was able to run at 120-160 FPS depending on game. I'm looking for a GPU that can run 140+ FPS at 1440p main monitor with 2 additional displays for misc. things. My budget is around $500 however, If I need to save longer to afford what will work best I can.

Case - Corsair 5000D Airflow
Mobo - MSI B550-A Pro
RAM - 4x8(32GB) Corsair Vengeance RGB 3200
CPU - Ryzen 5 5600x
PSU - Corsair 650M Gold
GPU - EVGA 2080 Super
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I recently noticed that when I try to play current AAA Games at Max/Ultra Settings that my FPS ranges from 50-70 at 1440p. When I first got this GPU I was able to run at 120-160 FPS depending on game. I'm looking for a GPU that can run 140+ FPS at 1440p main monitor with 2 additional displays for misc. things. My budget is around $500 however, If I need to save longer to afford what will work best I can.

Case - Corsair 5000D Airflow
Mobo - MSI B550-A Pro
RAM - 4x8(32GB) Corsair Vengeance RGB 3200
CPU - Ryzen 5 5600x
PSU - Corsair 650M Gold
GPU - EVGA 2080 Super
With a budget of around $500, your best bet is at least an RX 7800 XT, preferably an RX 7900 GRE if you can stretch your budget a little more, especially since you can get RTX 4070 ti super \ RX 7900 XT performance out of it with a successful OC. On the Nvidia side, the 4070 TI is your best best, thats around $720 though. You could also wait until next year for the RTX 5000 series and RX 8000 series to launch, or at least have more information released. You're kind of at a weird point for a GPU upgrade. You may also want to look at a CPU or platform upgrade so you can get the most out of your new GPU upgrade. The Ryzen 7 5700X3D is around $200, and would give you 2 more cores, 4 more threads, and around 25% more performance in games. Either way 140+ on most new games is a hard target to hit for most cards without some settings tweaks. If you decide to hold out for a bit tweaking some settings should get you some extra performance. One setting you can tweak thats usually an absolute killer on performance is shadows, you don't normally notice much of a change, and you can get back some decent performance by turning them down to medium on many games. 601408873 601410969 601421998 601434987 100008802
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I recently noticed that when I try to play current AAA Games at Max/Ultra Settings that my FPS ranges from 50-70 at 1440p. When I first got this GPU I was able to run at 120-160 FPS depending on game. I'm looking for a GPU that can run 140+ FPS at 1440p main monitor with 2 additional displays for misc. things. My budget is around $500 however, If I need to save longer to afford what will work best I can.

Case - Corsair 5000D Airflow
Mobo - MSI B550-A Pro
RAM - 4x8(32GB) Corsair Vengeance RGB 3200
CPU - Ryzen 5 5600x
PSU - Corsair 650M Gold
GPU - EVGA 2080 Super
You might want to add a psu to the mix.

I doubt what you have will allow you to go upscale on the gpu.