Looking for Fan Hub-Splitter

I can have up to seven 4-pin PWM fans in my case. I would like for them all to be connected to the CPU Fan header so they all speed up when the CPU is stressed, as my OC'd 4790K is what I'm trying to cool.

Would this be a cheap and effective solution?: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA9F93EG0578&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-Accessories+-+Case+%2F+Rackmount-_-9SIA9F93EG0578&gclid=CJn279emmtICFVuewAodBbMEng&gclsrc=aw.ds

Do you know of something better for not much more?
I do have 2x CPU fan headers and 3x 4-pin sys fan headers and 1x 3-pin sys fan header on mobo. However, the sys fan headers won't run the fans at full speed when CPU fans are at full speed. I can manually set them to run at full speed in BIOS, but that would be full speed all the time and I do not want that.

Is there another way to allow the sys fans to run at full speed only when CPU fans are at full speed? *Other than a fan controller. Maybe some software?
Thanks! I think that fan controller is what I'm wanting. I will run up to 5 system/case fans off that and then up to 2 CPU fans from the CPU and CPU OPT header on my mobo.

The controller will allow me to manually increase fan speed when gaming or under load and then decrease it when I'm not.