Looking for good headphones / headsets price 80-100 euros ( CAN BE WITH NO MIC )

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Aug 28, 2014
So long story short,i'm looking for headset / headphone's , it can be without microphone,i dont mind.I have atm plantronics 788 and they're killing me after 2h of use,my ears are litteraly "bleeding" from pain,the pression is too much to handle...So i will be selling those and what something more comfortable,i wont use ant steel series v2 crap,tried them,sound is shit compared to plantronics,and they're even more pressuring the ears.BTW i got quite big ears,so any ideas? And ye i mainly will be playing games,i listen music from my speakers instead of headsets ( well sometimes i do use headset / headphone to listen to music ) . THANKS !
There are a fair bit more then you wanted to spend but I feel they're worth a look. They're the Audtio Technica ATH AD700X. They have the largest ear cups that I know of. There is a gaming version for a bit a more money if you want an attached mic. There is also the cheaper 500x, although I couldn't tell you the difference.

I would also recommend the corsair h series headsets. I have a pair and the ear cups are quite large. The padding is a memory type foam that feels pretty good IMO. It doesn't put as much stress on my glasses as my logitech g930.
what about these? http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-M30x-Professional-Monitor-Headphones/dp/B00HVLUQW8 from where i live,these are 80 euros http://www.amazon.com/HyperX-Cloud-Gaming-Headset-KHX-H3CLW/dp/B00KX3TLF4/ref=sr_1_3?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1438281885&sr=8-3&keywords=hyper+cloud+x+headset these arround 83 euros i'm kinda aware that these might suck " gaming " lol 😀 i'm afraid of those terms. http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-PC-320-Gaming-Headset/dp/B005HWEZ02 these are for 86 euros.http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Gaming-Wireless-Headset-CA-9011127-NA/dp/B00N803C7W these are 102 euros , ( wireless ? never had one's ). maybe sennheiser? saw hd 449 , are these worth to go ? any other idea? :)
If you could spend another 20 euros go with the ATH-M50X on massdrop, It is one of the best options under €300 and it is 50% off now.

I have a corsair h1400 myself and compared to my m50x it sucks.
I have a pair of the corsair wireless h2100 and all around it's a good set. You do need to be a bit careful with it. The plate that joins the ear cup to the headband has been known to break. As long as you don't pull the ear cups any further apart then you have to in order to fit them you'll be ok.

Dhaan is right if you can get the ATH m50x in your price range those are the heaphones to have as far as sound quality is concerned.


so does the studio headphones are much better then headset's? compared sounds in game, you do neeed amp for better sound? so i'm thinking either way get hyper x cloud II , or those audio-technica ATH-m40x , i can always send them back 😛
The ATH m50 and m 40 shouldn't need a amp. I myself haven't had the chance to do a comparison since I've never owned the audio technical set. You mentioned your ears though which I why my choice for you would be the set with the largest earcup. The hyper x has the largest driver between the two headsets which give it the better chance of having the larger ear cups.

what should i focus on when choosing headphones / headsets? like what spec's should i aim for "best" sound quality ? and yes,those hyper cloud has 53mm drivers i think


3) http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD-449-Headphones-Blac... ( these are 97 euros where i live )



they are all in the same price ratio,wich one would should i get mainly for .. gaming , and a bit for music?
Go with either the sennheiser HD 449 or m40x.
The m40x will sound better, and like the m50x they will be very comfortable.
But the HD 449 seems to have larger ear cups so it might fit you better.


so those others that i listed are just fancy pancy crap right? =)

Do you have any other suggestions of a headphones / headsets that's worth buying in this range?
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