Looking for help


Apr 28, 2016
Hi guys, I have a problem about one month now. When I play games my monitor randomly goes black and pc still working.
Spec: mobo msi 970 gaming
Gpu amd sapphire r9 380 nitro 4gb
Cpu amd fx 8350 8 core at 4.00ghz
Ram Kingston fury 2x8 at 1866.
Psu (new) coolemaster 750w m series. 80+ bronze.
I have try some solutions , like clean reinstall gpu drivers. Reinstall Windows 10. But nothing help. I check numlock button when the screen goes black but nothing is happening. ( still green) not responding to close. Sorry for bad English
frankly, i m not sure yet...thts y we need to eliminate d othr hardwares from d equation...
so, we have tested d hdd, gpu and ram...
now its down to the mobo and processor...
i wud suggest tht at ths point u take it to a professional shop if u wanna probe more...
or get ur mobo rma ed...
Have you checked fraying of the cord? Not on the outside but the inside?
I moved someones TV once and they put the cord back in and bent the pins when doing it and the INSIDE of the receptacle was damaged. [It felt loose and when I opened it such was the case].

So maybe if you have moved it that might be the situation?

Just an idea.

so...ur display stops rendering randomly without any trigger...
but u say...it only happns during games....
tht means...the trigger has to be something related to games...either ur gpu is getting overheated after a certain duration of gameplay...or it is not able to render after a certain level of graphical intensity...
u certainly need to take a harder look at ur gpu mate...

Is it actually turning off? how do you make it turn back on when it goes to black?
Yesterday before I do this 3 steps of unchecking the mouse and keyboard and unplugged xbox controller. Crashes after 15 or 20 mins. Now its work normal . I dont know if this fix the problem. Just for information my temps is normal for all hardware.
Now the screen freezes for 3-4 secs but now not going to black screen just pop up a yellow triangle at the right down of the screen and say something about vga stop working and restore back successfully . OMG WHAT TO DO