Looking for some advice: i7-7820X VS Ryzen Threadripper 1920X


Oct 18, 2015
So I'm going to be rebuilding my PC within the next few weeks. Now I have been seriously contemplating between the 1920X and 7820X for a week or two now. I have done a lot of review, but keep confusing myself on what I should buy. I am an avid gamer, video creator hobbyist, and computer science major in college. I use this PC to record / edit / render videos, run VMs, on which I do schoolwork and my own side projects. Some of these tasks include image processing which proved to be very tasking, as my surface book (i7) can barely process them in a suitable timeframe). 

In short, which processor would you all recommend for these tasks? I am upgrading from an i7 5930k if that help at all, and currently have the NZXT Kraken X60 which I may need to replace in order to accommodate the different CPU size and get suitable cooling for when I OC my chip.

On a side note, is it worth it to just go all out and get the i9 7900X or the Ryzen Threadripper 1950X?

Would most likely be pairing the chip with this build:

CPU -           7820X || 1920X || 7900X || 1950X
MOBO -        Asus Prime X299 Deluxe || Asus ROG Zenith Extreme sTR4
GPU -           Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Either the Asus Strix or the Gigabyte Extreme Edition, haven't quite decided yet)
RAM -           16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 @ 3000MHz
PSU -            Corsair AX1200i
SSD -            Samsung 840 EVO 512GB (Currently have this, really thinking about getting the Samsung 960 EVO M.2 version with the new build... maybe a few of them eventually)
HDD -            WD Black 1TB 7200RPM (It's full, I may have to expand, but I'm thinking of building myself a NAS and loading all my photos and videos there which would almost entirely free this drive.)

I'm leaning toward the i7 7820X, but more opinions wouldn't hurt. Thanks!
Given your situation, and the fact you're using a 1080 Ti, I'd go w/ Threadripper. Are you gaming at 1440P or 4K? If so, it would be difficult for me to go to Intel given the choices and your usage scenario. That said, given your budget, I'd go for the 1950X. On a side note, I'm testing a new Ryzen 7 build as I'm typing this for my main system. I can surely say it's fast :) I can vouch for this based on different platforms as I also have my X99 system as well as an OC'd Kaby Lake 7600K build.

Be aware that Ryzen, and likely Threadripper, are picky on memory modules. I'd recommend getting a set based on the QVL. Zen based CPU's also like faster DRAM and has a much bigger impact on overall performance than Intel platforms in real-world use. It's likely to be partly because the Infinity Fabric runs at half the DRAM speed.
"...run VMs..."

Not sure all the initial bugs with ESXi have been worked out just yet, but, you might be set if only tinkering with HyperV, and perhaps KVM...

If VMs are a priority, I'd research that aspect of compatibility beforehand, would not want to see your hopes dashed with a Vmware 'purple screen of death' on bootup...

Thanks, I appreciate the info. I will surely look into that.