Looking to Play Diablo 3 on Gateway 5424


May 7, 2012
Hey guys, sorry if this is a reoccurring thread. I'm very new to this computer hardware game and I'm trying to figure out a way to upgrade my old computer to be able to play Diablo 3. The model number for it is GM5424 and it's a Gateway. I bought the whole thing put together from Best Buy like 5 years ago or something. I've had a really rough time figuring out all the hardware inside, but it looks like I have a Radeon x700 series graphics card? Unless that's just integrated into the motherboard. I'm giving this old system to my brother who really wants to play Diablo 3 with me when I build my new computer. If anyone can help me out, I would GREATLY appreciate it!

Thanks for your time, guys.
You need 2 of a 1 gb ddr2 800 memory add on if you already haven't http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148163 (you have 4 slots 2 filled stock). Your computers way Old, this is all I could do, you owe me 20 mins of my life back :) ... You can upgrade to play on Low with medium shaders (after my upgrade 68$), anything more your cpu and motherboard also need to be upgraded. Buy and install this hardware and its software http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150568. So you're system after should be 4 GBs of ddr2 800 memory with a xfx 5450 graphics card along with the 2.13ghz Dual core it has stock. This way that 5 year old motherboard and cpu can play on Low with shaders on medium. Other than my exact option, there is no way for you to play the game. Your welcome, Brent.
Also if you want a more full gutting of your computer to be able to on High(enjoyable) settings for 438 bucks let me know, I can give you the list of parts for that, just put the list together for someone else today.
Thanks for the reply, Brent! With my current motherboard having an LGA775 socket, would this cpu work with it?

Also, it looks like my motherboard only has a PCIe x16 slot. Will PCIe 2.0x16 work on that? They also have just PCIe x16 cards available, but hardly any and they kinda suck. Here is one I found:

And it looks like this is my motherboard to work with:

Again, thanks for the help. I don't have a lot of money to spend on this, but I want my brother to be able to play Diablo III with me and get decent performance out of WoW.

I know thats the motherboard, I searched for a Dsub card on newegg when those come up so I figured that was compatible. That 2600 pro can't handle D3 it's 50% slower than the one I advised. And yes that 3.06 would serv well but I believe the graphics dsub slot will be the bottleneck not the CPU, though it wouldnt hurt, but that would make it a 148 dollar upg, not much more bang for the buck. Lemme look into that gpu compat to make sure.
Looked into the Gpu Compat, seems the 2.0 play better with the older boards than the 2.1, so this would be much better
Also this would come close to running on medium and the CPU upg could help this one too. So:
and http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116347&nm_mc=OTC-pr1c3grabb3r&cm_mmc=OTC-pr1c3grabb3r-_-Processors+-+Desktops-_-Intel-_-19116347
Might even point you in the direction of Medium settings.
Note tho, thats a 188 dollar upg, which is all relying on the durability of a 5 yr old board. For 406 you could put completely new guts in and run on High.

Thank you for your suggestions. I'm kinda interested in seeing your $406 dollar build. Can you link me?