Lost power adapter for EZXS55W, any of these work?


Feb 23, 2011
Hello, I have an EZXS55W switch we found at work, but it has no power adapter.
I have 2 extra adaptors here that do fit, however I know that is very risky business and not a sign it will work.

The switch needs DC 7.5V 700mA

Spares are a Plantronics 9V 300mA
logitech 5.25V 300mA.

From my understanding amps can be over the requested, but both fall far short of 700mA.
Nod, that's where I can't remember when you can and can't use certain stuff.
I learned my lesson when the wife mixed up adapters and put one in the bag i had with an external ide hdd enclosure.
Plugged it in, turned it on, Phhhht. no power light? hey, whats that smell?