Loud overheating pc issue

Nov 8, 2018
My power supply(500w) is going crazy even when i'm just running browser. I'm using windows 10 pro and components are:
CPU: AML Athlon x4 750K
GPU: AMD Radeon R-7 250 1GB DDR5 OC
8 GB of RAM

I'm planning to invest some money to fix the issues so i need to know what components i have to switch.

I was thinking about buying new power supply but maybe it's overheating cpu or hdd because i'm sometiems randomly getting 100% disk or 100% CPU usage while none programs are being ran, at least not by me.
Well first you should backup all your data, next what the brand of your PSU ? and what do you mean going crazy ? You can purchase a new quality PSU (assuming yours is not) and when you do build a new PC move it over. I would recommend re-installing windows however I would recommend picking up a 240GB SSD if you don't have one or even a cheap 128 drive (they sell for under $30) for windows OS that will make things feel more speedy.

Oh and if you think the CPU is over heating may want to use compressed air to clean out your PC (CPU fan as well) you could also pick up a couple of $10 case fans as well if you don't have good airflow.
Nov 8, 2018

well yeah, it's pretty old but atm i'd rather just make it run smoothly until i can get good components.


Well first you should backup all your data, next what the brand of your PSU ? and what do you mean going crazy ? You can purchase a new quality PSU (assuming yours is not) and when you do build a new PC move it over. I would recommend re-installing windows however I would recommend picking up a 240GB SSD if you don't have one or even a cheap 128 drive (they sell for under $30) for windows OS that will make things feel more speedy.

Oh and if you think the CPU is over heating may want to use compressed air to clean out your PC (CPU fan as well) you could also pick up a couple of $10 case fans as well if you don't have good airflow.
Nov 8, 2018

I have Raidmax RX-500XT which is really bad imo. Well for example, if i play game like Overwatch it sounds really loud, overheats and my fps drop rapidly. I don't know if it's because low power or bad quality materials. That sounds like a good idea, can you recommend me a good brand? I wouldn't go over 80 euros though, i hope i can buy soemthing decent for that amount. I recently re-installed system, i thought it will at least make pc run a bit better but same thing. Getting SSD sounds like a really good idea, is 240GB should be enough for windows plus some games/programs right? Can you recommend me a good/decent brand?
Yeah, that's not too expensive, i might do that.

Thank you for taking time to help me!


I would good with seasonic branded PSU like this one:



https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/nB3RsY/seasonic-power-supply-s12ii620bronze (

As far as SDD this is a "safe" bet


However you could pick find one that are almost as good on sale for cheaper just have to check reviews and make sure its not a Dramless SSD (those are the cheapest but also the slowest).

Nov 8, 2018

Yeah, seems great. I will get that SSD you recommended. But for the power supply, do you know if it's better for me to get this one (https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/FXDzK8/cooler-master-masterwatt-lite-230v-700w-80-certified-atx-power-supply-mpx-7001-acabw), or the one you recommended? They are about the same price where i live.