Low budget gaming PC built in England


Jul 16, 2011

- What computer stores in London/England should I buy parts from?
- Are there deals for parts/combos should I know of?
- Which parts should I buy (MOBO/CPU/GPU/RAM/PSU)?

Purpose: Gaming at 1080p 50fps, a few titles for example: Battlefield 4 medium/high, Skyrim max, Crysis 3 medium, Saints Row 4 max, Sim City 2013 max...

Budget: 400-500 GBP (about 650-820 USD)

Thank you!
not sure about any physical stores... but there are a few more online stores located at pcpartspicker uk to look through

you want to run medium/high at 1080p at 50+fps on bf4 for that budget? not really sure that is possible unless you run without anti-aliasing.

this build is 548gbp and gets you there. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/2DY8n

here are some video card stats for bf4 http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2013/11/27/battlefield-4-performance-analysis/3

it requires a bios update for the motherboard though (most 970 chipsets do to use the FX cpus). the cpu might hold you back in heavy multiplayer though (but you can overclock it to compensate).

this build for 512gbp gets you medium...
not sure about any physical stores... but there are a few more online stores located at pcpartspicker uk to look through

you want to run medium/high at 1080p at 50+fps on bf4 for that budget? not really sure that is possible unless you run without anti-aliasing.

this build is 548gbp and gets you there. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/2DY8n

here are some video card stats for bf4 http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2013/11/27/battlefield-4-performance-analysis/3

it requires a bios update for the motherboard though (most 970 chipsets do to use the FX cpus). the cpu might hold you back in heavy multiplayer though (but you can overclock it to compensate).

this build for 512gbp gets you medium http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/2DYcD

keep in mind that i am assuming you have a keyboard, mouse and monitor. if you need those also then i doubt you will be getting anywhere near high/medium in those games.


Jul 16, 2011

Thank you! How about Intel and Nvidia?
nvidia perhaps but the 270x performs better than the closest nvidia cards. you could take the next step down to a 650ti but then you will be looking at medium settings only not high.

intel cpus will cost you more and on such a limited budget that means a huge hit to your video card. you wont find an overclockable cpu+mobo combo for anything close to the amd combo.

while not all the choices are ones i'd prefer using that build or one similar to it is about the best you're going to get unless you manage to find some decent prices or deals somewhere. UK prices are really high.


Jul 16, 2011

Good to know, thanks again! But is that mobo available for future upgrade? Maybe a bigger card or crossfire I mean.
it would support upgrading to a better cpu like the 8320/8350 or upgrading to a stronger graphics card. however, while sli/cf is supported you wouldnt get the same performance as a 990 chipset motherboard since since i do believe it runs in x16/x4 mode meaning the second card will be on a slower interface. also keep in mind that right off the bat your sistem will not just start up.. you will need to do a bios update for that FX cpu since the 970 chipset existed before FX cpus did. once you update the bios the system will recognize the cpu.

i cant do anything about that on this budget though. not unless you want to make sacrifices somewhere which would mean lower performance.

my recommendation would be to expand your budget by a bit if only to upgrade to 990 chipset and perhaps a few pounds extra to go with corsair ram over patriot budget ram. you would then be in a better place for any future upgrading including an upgrade to a 8320/8350 cpu or getting another 270x in crossfire. it supports getting a bigger gpu instead as well. a 990 chipset also recognizes FX cpus so there is no need to update the bios and everything will start right up from the box with no issues.

a 990 also supports overclocking better so you could get higher overclocks. though if you intend to do much of this you would want to get a 600w psu

your choice though.

it should be


Jul 16, 2011

Thanks a lot! Which 990 chipset motherboard should I get? How much more gbp will I need to add?

well my personal choice would be the asus m5a99x evo but the asrock 990fx extreme is much cheaper and you could go that route if you wish.

ultimately your choice whether you want to go 970 or 990 chipset. most of the newer produced motherboards "should" have the newer bios for supporting FX however there is always a chance that you get one that has been sitting on a shelf for awhile which is why i listed that you may need to do a bios update and why i listed that a 990 chipset might be better.

depending on how far you are comfortable stretching your budget would depend on what you pick.


Jul 16, 2011

Thank you!! That's wonderful. I think I'm gonna go for the M5A99FX PRO R2.0.