
Aug 1, 2011
Hello there, I want to build a new pc for some gamming, movies and browsing.
Games I would like to play are GTA4, Diabol 3, Starcraft 2, Guild Wars 2 and mostly MMORPG like WOW or Runes of Magic and online games, which dont have high HW requirements I dont want to keep up with the latest games, also I dont want to play them on the ultra high resolution. I want a 20 -22 inch monitor and play on a 1280 resolution with good FPS, even on average settings so here is what I was looking in and I need some advice. If I will upgrade later it will be a large budget, but for now I want to go as cheap as I can, I will wait until the new AMD chipsets will be released, so the prices of older HW will drop. I m interested only in AMD builds.

So the CPU : Athlon X2 260 dual-core, which is at good price
If not then I will go a cheaper X3 right away, because there are some good prices also and the performance in some games is wat better, but do I need that, the x2 260 doesnt support the 1333 Rams only 1066 is there a much diference ? I wanna save as much money I can and preferably tu put it into the GPU

GPU: http://www.alza.sk/asus-eah5750-formula-2di-1gd5-d147506.htm this card looks awesome and lower price than the 5770, but I heard a lot good about the 5670 series, but I dont know which... 5670 1gig GDR3 or 5670 GDR5 with 512, if its not enough and the 1gig GDR5 should be better, then I definetly go for the 5750 I posted above.

MB : This is a little confusing to me, there are too much models to choose and I dont know wchi, but what I know is that I dont watn crossfire and I dont want an integrated GPU I was thinking about the http://www.alza.sk/gigabyte-970a-d3-d243279.htm which is at good price also and comse with AM3+ support, but as I said in the future (few years) I will preferably go from scratch so I was thinking about a AMD 770 or 880/890.


So please tell me your opinion what I REALY NEED for playing those games and what not.
Sorry for bad english and I hope I provided enough information and thank you for all comments.


Aug 1, 2011
400 eurose I would spend for the case and HW without the keyboard, monitor ofcourse. But as I said I want to go for the lowest budget, and what motherboard you think will be enough ?



that mobo is more than enough, are you buying an AM3+ mobo because you plan to upgrade?

also what ram/case are you getting? and could you refer me to the PSU section of that website?

this mobo would be better suited, it is AM3+ compatible at a lower cost:



Aug 1, 2011
I know its less than enough for now and it will support the new chips, but I think some cheaper AM3 board would be better... Rams 2x2 gig 1333 for Dual Box, but what if my core wil support only 1066 rams, like the Athlon X2, will they work ?

Boards section :http://www.alza.cz/EN/zakladni-desky/socket-am3/amd-ati/18851920.htm
PSU : http://www.alza.cz/EN/cases-power-supplies/18850751.htm



i didnt really get your question but ill try to answer it, first this is the PSU i would go for:

the motherboard that i reccommended and the one you reccommended will be able to run newer AM3+ chips, your CPU is not what determiens what ram it supports (apart from ddr3/2) its the motherboard, again both the boards will support 1333Mhz ram. for gaming i would definetely reccommend going for atleast that tri-core from earlier but the dual core will do ok too.

[EDIT]: forgot to mention when looking for your case, be sure to go for a mid-tower case or a case that supports ATX mobos.


Aug 1, 2011

400w will be enough ? The triple core will aslo eat up more I read some reviews firts, but what I m asking is if an Amd 8xx or Amd 7xx motherboard will be not enough for this setup ? I wont use the full potential of that Amd 970 board anyway...



yes 400W will be enough, you can use this to work out wattage:

the 8XX and 7XX series chipsets will be more than enough for your needs its the features that they offer. Good things to look for in a mobo are USB 3.0, SataIII (6GB/s) and AM3+ compatibility, which are features that both board that you mentioned and i mentioned have.


Aug 1, 2011

Okay thanks and which card from the Amd 8xx or 7xx series would you suggest ?



as ScrewySqrl said before:

a HIGH QUALITY 400W will be enough.

Antec, SeaSonic, XFX, Xigmatek, Enermax, Corsair all good choices

those are the companies you should buy from, the PSU is a very inportant part of your PC, Seasonic are one of the best out of those. The cases i saw on that website aren't ones im familiar with, but when buying a case, look for ATX suport/Midi tower, if the case doesn't come with fans, make sure you get some separately. The tri-core is definetely worth that extra bit, it will give you a noticible performance increase in games, (many games today use 3 threads/cores).