Hello, a couple weeks ago I was playing rocket league when suddenly my fps was cut in half, it only lasted a couple seconds so I didn't think anything of it, a few days later it happened again, this time it laster a couple minutes instead. I didn't bother doing anything about it because it didn't happen so often and usually went away with a reboot. But now it's stuck like this, so I'm trying to fix it.
I downloaded CPU-Z to check how my CPU was doing and noticed that the Core Speed was at 1400MHz instead of 4000MHz like I would excpect, I read somewhere that it is only low because there is no load on the CPU. So I tried the Stress CPU button under the Bench bar, but it was still only at 1400MHz, no matter how hard I tried to max the CPU load it never went above 1400MHz. The temperature never got above 40 degrees celsius during the stress tests I tried.
I have tried searching for answers to this but so far I've found nothing. If anyone know how I can fix this, or if it's even fixable, I would really appreciate it
Here is a validation dump thing I got from the validate button in CPU-Z: https://valid.x86.fr/mtui5h
I downloaded CPU-Z to check how my CPU was doing and noticed that the Core Speed was at 1400MHz instead of 4000MHz like I would excpect, I read somewhere that it is only low because there is no load on the CPU. So I tried the Stress CPU button under the Bench bar, but it was still only at 1400MHz, no matter how hard I tried to max the CPU load it never went above 1400MHz. The temperature never got above 40 degrees celsius during the stress tests I tried.
I have tried searching for answers to this but so far I've found nothing. If anyone know how I can fix this, or if it's even fixable, I would really appreciate it
Here is a validation dump thing I got from the validate button in CPU-Z: https://valid.x86.fr/mtui5h