Low FPS in games with good computer?


Oct 15, 2015
I recently built a new computer, installed all the drivers I need. (I think) and i still get lag? Even in games like Arma 3 and DayZ i get like 10-15FPS
CPU : AMD FX-9590
GPU : GTX 970
RAM : 16GB HyperX Fury
PSU : 1000 WATT corsair gold
Mobo : ASUS crosshair V Formula-Z
CPU Cooler : Deepcool gamer storm Captian 240


These are screenshots while arma 3 is up, I am in a multiplayer game with 40+ players on it.
https://gyazo.com/32f30a2e09fbbbe80ee0d2c383bf37df GPU TEMPS
https://gyazo.com/ed9cf0b4d1e5edb067fff9ce177e8d5c CPU TEMPS
Try upgrading drivers, your setup should run CS:GO just fine. Try to update BIOS as well. What operating system are you using?

I forgot to say that i have all drivers updated, Ive used several tools to verify this. Such as DriverPackOnline and GeForce Experience. Everything is up to date.

Maybe your power plan is set to "power saver"? Maybe some settings in nvidia control panel (or whatever it's called) are wrong?
Make sure you have the latest bios flashed for your Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z. You have possibly the best performance motherboard there is, however sometimes they have been on the shelf for awhile and aren't flashed to the latest bios. The FX-9590 definitely needs the latest bios to run properly.

When I first installed my FX 8370 in my Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 I wasn't getting nearly the performance I should. After flashing the newest bios my processor came to life and was able to hit very impressive overclocks as well.

I just changed it to "prefer maximum preformance, Nothing changed still bad fps in dayz.

I never thought about that, Where can i check for the latest bios?

Just google your mobo, and click on the asus.com link.

+1 make sure you download from official Asus site, the site should have instructions for flashing as well, I know flashing my Asus Sabertooth was easy.

Yeah, these days it's pretty easy compared to floppy disk boot to flash that damn thing.

Yea,that takes me back.... And not in a good way:lol:

To OP:
After flashing you may also want to enter bios and make sure all settings are set to AUTO. The Formula-Z is an EXCELLENT board and can definitely get the best setting with everything on AUTO for stock. If you want to try to overclock later you can always go back and manually change settings, but with the FX 9590 your not going to get much more out of it as its already factory overclocked pretty high. I was however able to get 5.5Ghz out of my FX-8370 @ 5.5V - of course your FX 9590 @ 220W will overclock differently.

So, I just updated my BIOS, But my game still lags. My game is the slightest of smoother though.
Did you make sure all your settings in bios are set to AUTO? Technically updating bios does this even if there was a previous overclock, but sometimes weird things happen. I actually built a brand new system for a customer about a month ago and couldn't figure out the instability until I checked the bios. It was a brand new out of the box motherboard but had manually configured settings- resetting it to factory and AUTO settings and doing a bios update fixed that problem.

If its not your bios the next thing I would try is totally uninstalling all the software and drivers for your GTX 970. Then turn off your computer unplug it and remove your GPU. With the GPU uninstalled plug your system back in and start it up. Let it run until you can hear the computer boot onto windows lock screen (or estimate the required time) enter your password and let it run for about 5 minutes then turn it off by pressing the power button and wait for it to totally power down- unplug it and then reinstall your GTX 970 and reinstall all its drivers. The above method for some reason does work with some hard to diagnose GPU related issues.

Didn't work.

Go to control panel, power options and look at what setting is chosen.

High preformance
Ok, lets change focus here. We have looked at the CPU, the motherboard (and bios), and the GPU. Lets look at your RAM. You have 16GB of Kingston Hyper X Fury RAM. What speed is it running? Is it one stick or two in dual channel? Do you have the RAM in the correct dual channel slots (if you have 2 sticks)?
Looking back over your system specs I would also like to know what temps your CPU is producing. Download AMD Overdrive (to monitor your temps never use it to actually overclock) and launch it. What we are looking for is your thermal margins. We need to know what your thermal margin is at idle and what it is while you are gaming (at load). It may be easier to download Prime 95 and see what your temps are doing during blend test which places your CPU at 100% load. After running Prime 95 for 10 - 15 minutes what is your CPU thermal margin?

They are both in the red slots. And my Dram is running at 543.1 MHz. While my NB Frequency is running at 2240.4 MHz, it kinda fluctuates though.
You RAM is running way slow. What is it specked to? When you bought it was it 1333Mhz, 1600Mhz, ect..? AMD processors run best with 1866Mhz RAM, yours is running @ 1086Mhz. Also did you buy the stick individually or as a set?

Have you monitored your CPU heat using AMD Overdrive? Best way would be to download AMD Overdrive and Prime 95 (we will test 2 things at the same time here). Launch AMD Overdrive and go to CPU monitor. What you will be monitoring is CPU usage (should stay at 100% on all cores) and thermal margin. Launch Prime 95 and run a blend test then monitor your system with AMD Overdrive. If at any time one or more cores stops and usage isn't 100% stop the test - that means you have system instability either from RAM or CPU. If at any time during the test your thermal margin drops below 10C stop the test - that means your processor is running too hot. If everything is fine for 30 minutes of Prime95 testing then your system is stable and you aren't experiencing thermal throttling.

My thermal margin is like from 50-52 degrees celcius. All cores are also being used. Ram was also bought as a set.
I also went into bios and set my ram to be 1872MHz. I can make it higher if need be.
Screenshots of the Prime95 Test : https://gyazo.com/0fb30b19227e86d47364b1d5eff1d2e8
After : https://gyazo.com/31478fee5300627ca6978e8809161981

Your thermal margin or actual temp? What is the thermal margin number as reported in Overdrive during Prime 95 testing?

I also went into bios and set my ram to be 1872MHz. I can make it higher if need be.
Screenshots of the Prime95 Test
Before : https://gyazo.com/0fb30b19227e86d47364b1d5eff1d2e8
After : https://gyazo.com/31478fee5300627ca6978e8809161981

RAM screenshot : https://gyazo.com/9fa7b827e2aa2473c203d0f4c9b4dc0a