Low Headphone sound in speakers vs PC plug


Oct 20, 2011
Well I just bought a logitech Z213 audio system and for some odd reason the headphone jacks from the volume control unit is much more quiet compared to directly plugging my headphones into the PC front side port.

For example if my volume is set to 40% on the PC, using the PC headphone jack, it is very loud. But compared to using Logitechs headphone jack, its like the volume got reduced by 10-15%.

Did i buy a faulty unit? Also i forgot to mention the headphone jack looks unusual compared to all the others out there. It has this weird metal piece hanging out inside the port, see here


Everything works so far, just the satellite control pod doesn't output as strong as my old logitech system did through the headphone jacks.

After digging out my old stack of computer boxes i found my old model Logitech S220 was a stronger speaker system, It was 17 watts and 34 watts at peak power. This Z213 model only outputs 7 watts with 14w peak...
it is working perfectly. that unit does not have a headphone amp in it. so in effect you are adding cable length and loosing signal strength.
pc>headphones is louder than pc>speakers>headphones without an amp this is normal. the speakers themselves are amped however
Perhaps your PC'S headphone jack is amplified whereas the logitechs headphone jack is not? Either that or it is simply a case of using your PC'S pre-amp vs the logitechs pre-amp and them both having different ratings 🙂

Maybe but that is weird though, my old logitech S21 2,1 speakers never came with headphone amps but still sound much better than this one. Plus i forgot to add there is a like a weird metal piece hanging halfway into the slot, not sure if this is how the jack is, but i've never seen any jacks having this. And in my previous experience, this means something is out of place inside the jack itself. See picture above, original edited post.
I just looked at the headphone jack on my tablet and phone. that metal is one of the contacts, they are springy, push in the headphones and they retreat into the case while keeping good connection with the contacts. that one is larger than the ones on my devices but I'm sure its fine
Those "clips" are actually fairly common I believe in audio devices. Don't think Logitech are are out to do you wrong on including one on your device and certainly should not affect the outputted volume ( just in case you were thinking one thing was relative to the other in this case...cause they wont be) . I don't see that you have an issue here all in all...everything works right?

Everything works so far, just the satellite control pod doesn't output as strong as my old logitech system did through the headphone jacks.

After digging out my old stack of computer boxes i found my old model Logitech S220 was a stronger speaker system, It was 17 watts and 34 watts at peak power. This Z213 model only outputs 7 watts with 14w peak power. No wonder my old one was able to amplify the delivery of sound, it was much stronger and funny enough it only cost me $29, this one cost me $49.
