Question Low LoD / Low-res blurry textures across many games


Jan 31, 2019
This forum has helped me out a lot of issues in the past and I hope you can do it again.

I got a gaming pc with a graphical issue that persists across many games: Sometimes games use the lowest resolution textures and/or the lowest level of detail meshes. It's drastic. Here's an imgur album of examples.

My issues are similar to these forum posts:

I've had this issue for years. Researching it made me think maybe it was a GPU issue (low VRAM? or just a defective card?) or a PSU issue. Well, I saved up until I could finally upgrade my pc this summer. Got a new 850W PSU and a 7900 XT. Uh oh: it made no difference at all.

I used DDU to get all old GPU drivers out of my system, reset everything to default, reset shader cache. I tested the RAM. It seems fine. I played with settings in individual games and in AMD Software. Texture filtering quality makes no difference. I tested multiple different drives-- doesn't matter if I'm running these games off of my M.2 NVMe drive, or an external SSD. No difference.

Hardware monitoring shows that my new system is nowhere near maxed out on memory, CPU usage, GPU usage, or VRAM. This system should be running modern titles at high settings no problem. And it does run well, it just looks bad.

As you can see in the examples, the issue only hits certain textures, not all of them. But it's not typical pop-in. In some titles (Street Fighter 6) the problem sometimes clears up eventually for certain objects, but over the span of minutes, and not for every object. For other titles, like Cyberpunk and FF7, they never go away.

I also have some games that don't have this issue at all. FromSoft games, Death Stranding, and Resident Evil 2 Remake are totally fine. (weird because SF6 and RE2 are both RE Engine games, and one of them works and the other doesn't.)

Since I've ruled out drive issues, and replaced the GPU and the PSU, that leaves, what, RAM? CPU? Motherboard, somehow? But I am out of disposable income. I can't replace anything else unless I'm really sure what the problem is. And anyway I can't find any info about CPU issues that look like this.

Grateful for any help or suggestions!

motherboard: Asus Z370-A
PSU: Corsair RM850x
CPU: i7-8700k
GPU: RX 7900 XT
RAM: Crucial Ballistix Sport LT, 16gb
This can't be your issue but these kinds of low textures were common back when we were transitioning from games made with 16 bit and the old GPU's at the time were matched.

Later when our gear got better in those old games with newer GPU's had to go into the games config files and change from 16 bit to 32 bit and magic games looked great again.

Are we at that cross roads again and have to play with the config files of some games with the newer best of the best cards out today.

Is this your issue IDK but being as nothing else has fixed it maybe?