Question Lower FPS on RTX 2060

May 29, 2019
Hi all,
I just purchased a new RTX 2060 from Fry's Electronics. I upgraded from a GTX 1060, and all drivers are updated.
Despite this, the first game i chose to benchmark was GTA 5, but the FPS was lower than it used to be with the 1060. It stutters frequently, and 60 is a rarity.
My specs are as listed:

CPU: Intel i5-6500
Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix B250f
PSU: EVGA 430w
RAM: TeamElite DDR4 8GB RAM

Is it a power problem? Bottlenecking due to the CPU? Whatever it is, it is seriously slowing down my game.
I appreciate any help!
Thank you!
PSU: EVGA 430w

This PSU might be causing the problem. What's the exact model number of this 430 Watts PSU ? That's a low-end PSU from EVGA. And yes, your CPU is not that powerful for the RTX 2060 GPU, and it might create some bottleneck, in CPU-intensive PC titles..depending on the GAME being played though.

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Yes, I just figured out the PSU model. That's not a very good power supply. Btw, Nvidia recommends a min 500 Watts high-quality power supply for the RTX 2060. Apart from this your CPU is not that powerful for the RTX 2060 GPU, and it might create some bottleneck as well, but depending on the GAME being played though.