Lower Than Expected Performance In Games


Dec 11, 2017
Hi, I have a i7-6700, 32GB of ram, and a GTX 1070ti. In many games like GTA V, Fallout 4, and Rainbow 6 Siege I feel like I am not getting the full potential of my rig. In GTA for instance, I get around 50-70 fps while both my cpu and gpu usages are well below 60 on the CPU and 40 on the GPU. I have a 144hz monitor so I want as much fps as I can get and I certainly expect to stay constantly above 60. VSYNC is off and my setting are normal to low. The GPU and CPU are nowhere near thermal throttling and all the drivers are up to date. Any help would be really appreciated.
I only own one of the games you mention which is GTA5, and that game in the grass sections can eat up FPS dramatically unless you lower graphical setting for the grass itself, also there are several setting on that game that enhance or decrease fps performance, and I can't speak on the other games since I do not own them.

You did mention that the GPU usage if only at 40 percent? That's something you should want hitting around 100 percent not 40, check if everything is installed correctly, because you should want to have 99% or 100% usage on the GPU not so much for the CPU.
What resolution are you gaming at? Do you have MSAA turned on? Even if you have the settings a little lower that particular setting can be extremely demanding and lower FPS tremendously. Metro Last Light SSA settings turned up at max can destroy the FPS in a game, and MAX PAYNE 3 another game that's been out for years now the MSAA settings can destroy your FPS in your games.

MSAA is off and I play at 1080p
I only own one of the games you mention which is GTA5, and that game in the grass sections can eat up FPS dramatically unless you lower graphical setting for the grass itself, also there are several setting on that game that enhance or decrease fps performance, and I can't speak on the other games since I do not own them.

You did mention that the GPU usage if only at 40 percent? That's something you should want hitting around 100 percent not 40, check if everything is installed correctly, because you should want to have 99% or 100% usage on the GPU not so much for the CPU.