Lucid Virtu MVP with intel i5 3570k & Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H not working


Dec 9, 2011
Hi, i am not sure what is going on, but I cannot seem to work Lucid Virtu MVP on my computer. I try going into bios and and change INIT,: to IGFX. I cannot even install the intel VGA driver, says it saying "this computer does not meet the requirement" If anyone knows how to work the Lucid Virtu MVP with the intel i5 3570k, please let me know. I try everything and can't seem to make it work.
I just thought I'd post this because I recently got this working on my computer, & nobody seems to be discussing this anywhere hardly. Anyway, the steps to turn on LucidLogix Virtu MVP for Asus z77 motherboard users:

1.) Go into BIOS

2.) Go to the Advanced page, just like when you OC'd your CPU

3.) Click on the Advanced tab at the top

4.) Under
"System Agent Configuration", make sure to Enable the "iGPU MultiMonitor"

5.) If you're using an AMD Radeon Card or playing Battlefield 3, make sure go to and download the latest drivers.

Here's a chart of what you can expect in terms of performance boost, for those who like charts:

With Vsync turned off, I'm seeing about a +10% boost in FPS in Skyrim, with no tearing, surprisingly. Apparently, Virtu MVP has some kind of Vsync simulator that lets you get higher FPS without having to worry about tearing. Enjoy!
Hi, I got it to work, but for some reason when I try to use the latest version of lucid virtu, I get an error for battlefield 3. It keeps saying invalid key messages, but when I go back to version 2.1.112, it is okay. Do you know what is causing the issue?
Virtu Lucid it's a detriment anyways in gaming, you do not even want it anyways.
do you have a dedicated GPU and what is it.?

I hear good things about Lucid Virtu, and it seems promising from what I read and seen from my own experience. I got a GTX 670
gaming, no.
Intel Sync, yes..
I generally saw a 2 - 8% drop in performance compared to a standalone discrete GPU without Virtu.

gaming, no.
Intel Sync, yes..

I'll add this though. VirtuMVP is actually a GOOD thing if you use Virtual V-Sync because it can help curtail screen tearing. It also has HyperFormance that may help improve performance as well. MVP apparently is MUCH better than regular Virtu.,3174-2.html
Eh, VirtuMVP has worked really well for me for some reason. I know that other people say they've seen stutters or something with it tho. It seems to work better with Ivy Bridge.

Also, that AnandTech article being quoted is a year and a half old, and not about VirtuMVP. There have been several updates since then, the last one dealt with BF3 specifically.

Here's an article from a month ago:

hello dude! i got gtx 650ti and win7 x64 and intel i5 3570k & Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H.
if I drop my bios and starts with only onboar video - it works. when I put my nvidia into - my win doesnt see onboard video at all. how d u do that?
i don't work for me, i got it enabled, but i can't use it in any game, and when i activate Hyper-performance games crashed all the time, so what is the use of this peace of crap ??