Question M.2 NVME SSD short life


Jun 5, 2020
Hello All,

(Flame suit on).
Purchased not one,,,but two cheap M.2 SSD's 4TB from Aliexpress. The first one run fine for about 8 hours of installing Debian an all the extra goodies,,,then computer locked up. On reboot the hard drive was not well as the red activity indicator light no longer flashed at all.
Got refund,,,so,,,stupid me,,, thought,,would try a different branded 4TB unit. Got it,,,almost a carbon copy,,This was stayed alive for about 10 hours locked up. The second one the unit looked idenical,,,with only a different branded sticker on it.
What is interesting both of these would get 3GB read speeds until they locked up and died.
I had the SSD in adapter in an x16 /75 watt slot. Was kind of wondering looking back now,,If i should have had it placed in maybe an x4/ 25 watt slot.?
Question: Has anyone ever actually had one of these cheapo drives live at all?


these SSD's does in fact have the advertised 4TB capacity. And the throughput was pretty good on an 10 year old Dell Precision Workstation @ 3GB/sec read. PCIe gen 3.0 ,,,old...
Just trying to get a little more life out of the old beater box,,as a storage tank.