Question Machine Check Exception/Help

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Jul 25, 2019
I recently installed a new motherboard and CPU(Z390 Aorus Pro WiFi and core i7-9700K) and all other parts I quadruple checked to make sure they are compatible. After running basic windows, it sends me to a blue screen. I've tried countless things and nothing works. Most sites tell me to enter my windows and fix it via cmd but I'm not able to load windows without getting this blue screen. Any help or ideas will be fantastic because my patience is running out.
It will depend on which version of windows you own. If you own a Retail version, it will easily transfer, other versions will be a bit more complicated.
Alright but how am I supposed to do this when I can't get into my computer. I believe we tried using some kind of iso or media creation to do that but it ended up freezing after it asked for a product key. If you need me to know that exact softwear I tried to run, let me know.
You should have received a product key with your windows. You will need that and a copy of the windows installer, to install windows.

If you crashed right after the product key, I would be looking at heat issues or something else. Have you accessed the BIOS/CMOS and observed the temperature of your processor?

Also, please list your COMPLETE computer specifications, so that we can see what you are talking about.
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