Macintosh ads: Horrifying


Jul 7, 2006

~"Get a mac, it's the Computer for people who don't want to know how computers work and, furthermore, don't want to use them for anything other than entertainment purposes. PCs are only for old dweebs, Macs are cool and hip, and you will be too if you buy one."~

I'm sold, I'm buying a mac right now.

I'm rather confused about how mac fans can be elitist about owning a product that brags about how not-l33t it is... It's because of advertisments like this that I can't bring myself to buy apple products. xD Kinda like the H2 and H3... if I actually needed an SUV (can't imagnine why I would, but we're speaking hypothetically here) and could afford one I would totally get one. They're very nice vehicles for what they were designed to do. But buying a product that's been marketed to people who *want* to be obtuse just for the sake of being stylish... I just can't do it.
First of all, a mac has 1 mouse button. End of arguement.

Second of all, if I had enough money to buy a H2, or H3, I would save another 20k and but a real hummer and not the stupid no visibility low to the ground, H2/H3.
Seeing as how 90% of gamers are PC users, they have the thinly laced subliminal images backwards.

But even that guy from scrubs is a dork, I would probably get linux based on those 2 guys 😛

I don't like the ipod's either, who needs 20 gigs of music?

I love my 128mb creative muvo that I got free when we signed up for the internet. It stores about 20 songs, which is perfect for one day.

You might listen to them twice in one day, and you know which songs will play, and you can make sure they are good for that day, etc.

Plus it doubles as a USB drive 😉
128mb is useless for an MP3 player. 1 gig and up (10 hours)

Also 90percent of gamers are not PC users... but im sure you have some document to show the percentages.

When it's a free 128mb mp3 player it's great 😉

Last time I checked, most of those top scoring games aren't for mac.
Also 90percent of gamers are not PC users... but im sure you have some document to show the percentages.

The question is do you have documentation shwoing they are not?


a)how few games run on Macs


b)How few people actually have Macs

I would swing in favour of the 90% on PC.

As a point of interest, would you call a Mac user who uses bootcamp to run XP to run games, a Mac gamer, or a PC gamer?
Also 90percent of gamers are not PC users... but im sure you have some document to show the percentages.

The question is do you have documentation shwoing they are not?


a)how few games run on Macs


b)How few people actually have Macs

I would swing in favour of the 90% on PC.If you use a Playstation, XBox, Wii, et al, you're not a gamer??? :roll: Wow!!! I learned something today. (bet you can't guess what it is)

Yet, you are correct (in a limited, closed minded sort of way), of those who play games on a general purpose computer, probably 90% are using a Windows-based PC.

As a point of interest, would you call a Mac user who uses bootcamp to run XP to run games, a Mac gamer, or a PC gamer?
I would call that person smart enough to know what he/she/it/other likes.

Since you brought it up I'd make another claim: >99.99% of gamers DON"T USE ELECTRICITY. That's right, I'm counting all players of any game at any time for the entire history of the earth. How does this helps to strenthen the Mac position or has any relevance to the discussion? I don't know... But it's true!

Console gaming and Computer gaming are very different things and we weren't talking about consoles... You may as well include D&D and Poker if you're going to bring consoles into the discussion for all the relevance it has. The only reason consoles even begin to compare to computers is because they keep adding computer-like functionality to them which is destroying the only strong points they had: cheapness and simplistic usability/stability.

More on topic: Go back and see the latest ads (there are new ones, they are even more ridiculus).

~"Upgrading OSes (Vista) on a PC is ungodly horrible" and it's easy on a mac? Hello?? MacOS8 MacOS9 MacOSX? No backwards compatibility at all. MaxOS10 is pretty nice... but that's because it's very slightly modded UNIX kernel with a pre-packaged GUI and software bundle. It's a PC Operating System.

~"PCs couldn't possibly come with built-in cameras, but iMacs and MacBooks come with them"
Do I even need to say anything about how ridiculus a claim this is?

~"PC industry lies about how much better it is than mac"
Apple is insecure, assuses everyone of lying about them.

~"PC users are transvettites and Mac Users get all the poon (and their movies magically look better because they used a Mac)"

~"Macs are immune to malware"

~"Macs can run MS Office, PC is obsolete"

~"Macs are well thought out, PCs are not"

~"Macs are ready to go out of the box"
ready to go for what? There's kinda more to life than iPhoto...

~"Mac is more compatible with networks and periphrials than PC"
a bald-faced lie...

~"PC is better at running important applications and an OS, such as Mac, marketed as a "creative platform" is a juvinile waste of time"
...wait a second, that's true! I guess apple isn't so bad afterall.

Ok, so most of the ads are slightly amusing, and a couple of them aren't completely horrible but... the insidious taint is present in all of them. I must now leave camp and wash with water.
actually this is really bugging me. recently, i have seen ads on bus shelters for macs. i am going to complain and hoipefully have them removed(slim chance but worth trying).

all it shows is one guy who is a mac and a nerd who is a pc, you all know the ones.

the thing that bugs me is that a mac is a PC, albeit a crap one which goes against everything pc's should be. it is changing a little now that they use intel but still, it is a locked computer with a proprietary OS. there is no choice other than apple in their minds.

the real problem and it actually angers me is that there is no such thing as a PC as there is a mac. a mac is a pc made by apple but a PC in the context of the advert does not exist.

a pc is an open platform which can have any hardware(thats right mac users, you can choose your own hardware) and any software. i think it is terrible, although not a linux user, i hate that when referring to a pc they mean windows. even then, the fact that they uses images of different types of people to descibe a comp is strange as that is like saying it is all about looks. last time i checked you can use whatever appearance you want for both windows or linux.

it really drives me up the wall, the ignorance and indeed blatant lies of these ads. sorry to rant but it is a dirty trick to compare a mac to a faceless, non existent competition in an attempt to look good. they are pathetic and should be shunned. the most worrying aspect is that i fear it may persuade people to buy them. i mean look at the ipod. no reason to buy them but since most people don't know any better they do.

i cannot belive these adverts were even allowed to be put up. that is like me saying i am than someone else at something without even saying who it is i am better than. ridiculous. well, i'll see how my complaint goes down with whatever excuse for an advertising watchdog we have in my country.
actually this is really bugging me. recently, i have seen ads on bus shelters for macs. i am going to complain and hoipefully have them removed(slim chance but worth trying).

all it shows is one guy who is a mac and a nerd who is a pc, you all know the ones.

the thing that bugs me is that a mac is a PC, albeit a crap one which goes against everything pc's should be. it is changing a little now that they use intel but still, it is a locked computer with a proprietary OS. there is no choice other than apple in their minds.

the real problem and it actually angers me is that there is no such thing as a PC as there is a mac. a mac is a pc made by apple but a PC in the context of the advert does not exist.

a pc is an open platform which can have any hardware(thats right mac users, you can choose your own hardware) and any software. i think it is terrible, although not a linux user, i hate that when referring to a pc they mean windows. even then, the fact that they uses images of different types of people to descibe a comp is strange as that is like saying it is all about looks. last time i checked you can use whatever appearance you want for both windows or linux.

it really drives me up the wall, the ignorance and indeed blatant lies of these ads. sorry to rant but it is a dirty trick to compare a mac to a faceless, non existent competition in an attempt to look good. they are pathetic and should be shunned. the most worrying aspect is that i fear it may persuade people to buy them. i mean look at the ipod. no reason to buy them but since most people don't know any better they do.

i cannot belive these adverts were even allowed to be put up. that is like me saying i am than someone else at something without even saying who it is i am better than. ridiculous. well, i'll see how my complaint goes down with whatever excuse for an advertising watchdog we have in my country.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean.

If anything, mac users are the dorks, and PC users are the cool guys (although that dork from scrubs or whatever show isn't exactly cool)

It's the same thing with the new cigarette add where it shows this yellow tape coming from the cigarette, and this fat, lazy, bald white guy is smoking, which in my opinion makes white people look bad and creates stereotypes.
Here it is....

If you are a hardcore gamer, don't buy a Mac. If you are a geek and you can't find anything better to do than open up you computer twice a week, don't get a Mac.

You guys seem to forget that you are the minority. 95% of computer users have no desire to open their machine and change a single component, even ram. 98% of computer users do not wish to hack into the underpinnings of the OS and tweak it to fit their tastes. They wan't a machine that works like their TV or their car. They just want to use it, not play around with it. Also, those people most likely have no idea how to keep their PC running efficiently by running AV software or not visiting spyware/adware loaded websites. When their computer slows to a crawl after a year they have no idea what to do, beside call up Dell or Gateway.

Also, most people have no desire or know-how to build a PC. Terms that we throw around on a daily basis like CPU and Ethernet are Greek to my mom or my 8 year old nephew. Macs are for those people. Macs are not for poor people either. If you can scrape together $600 to build your system, more power to you. People spend money on the things that are most important to them, which is why I use Macs to make a living. You see, my living is important to me, get it. Time is money, and the less time I spend tweaking and playing around, the faster I can get my work done and get a check cut.

Remember, mostly every Mac user has used Windows, but most Windows users have never used a Mac. Who do you think can make the more informed buying decision?
Here it is....

If you are a hardcore gamer, don't buy a Mac. If you are a geek and you can't find anything better to do than open up you computer twice a week, don't get a Mac.

You guys seem to forget that you are the minority. 95% of computer users have no desire to open their machine and change a single component, even ram. 98% of computer users do not wish to hack into the underpinnings of the OS and tweak it to fit their tastes. They wan't a machine that works like their TV or their car. They just want to use it, not play around with it. Also, those people most likely have no idea how to keep their PC running efficiently by running AV software or not visiting spyware/adware loaded websites. When their computer slows to a crawl after a year they have no idea what to do, beside call up Dell or Gateway.

Also, most people have no desire or know-how to build a PC. Terms that we throw around on a daily basis like CPU and Ethernet are Greek to my mom or my 8 year old nephew. Macs are for those people. Macs are not for poor people either. If you can scrape together $600 to build your system, more power to you. People spend money on the things that are most important to them, which is why I use Macs to make a living. You see, my living is important to me, get it. Time is money, and the less time I spend tweaking and playing around, the faster I can get my work done and get a check cut.

Remember, mostly every Mac user has used Windows, but most Windows users have never used a Mac. Who do you think can make the more informed buying decision?

I have used mac's before and I prefer PC's. Had to use them in 3 different schools/years for classes, and I was able to tweak several things.

90% of gamers use PC's and not macs.

PC's are better in the sense that you can upgrade single parts.

But yeah I get the idea that MACS are for people who don't want to learn something to use it properly or maintain it.
just thought, i'd mention but i have actually complained to the advertising standards agency regarding apple's adds which have recently hit the uk shores.

if they are so good, why do i feel the need to complain about their blatant lies and even completely made up stuff. like how they say PC even though there is no such thing as a pc. why they do not just say microsoft office i do not know as they do not even compare to windows. they say the "PC" is meant for the office but last time i checked microsoft office was not windows, go figure.

unfotunately i am still in a debate with them regarding the whole "windows does not mean a PC". however, they are investigating the whole virus/spyware thing. they are trying to judge if it misleads people over the need for anti virus and soyware software. clearly this is the case as those who think apple's OS or any OS for that matter is completely safe from virii are really stupid.
SS, it has been PC vs Mac for a long time. As in 22 years. Why PC? Because the computer that started the whole revolution 26 years ago was, and I quote, the "IBM Personal Computer" aka IBM PC, and a bunch of 'PC clones' (i.e., Gateway, HP, Dell, etc.) that are now collectively called "PC", meaning they're IBM PC compatible. While today that 'definition' is technically incorrect because of the way the industry moved, it is still called PC vs Mac. Similar to when you hear someone say 'I'll xerox it' you know they mean a copy and it may not be on a Xerox brand copier.

Good luck with that fight... :roll:

although i do not agree with their decision they are not agreeing with me while i am still right IMO. anyway. they were not saying a PC is derived from IBM. the advertising standards agency were saying that if pc were mentioned it meant a windows based comp. this is not the case. i am not getting into this argument as regardless, the apple adds are being removed for other completely unfounded claims in them but still, comparing a mac(which itself is a pc) to a PC is not on as a i cannot know what they are comparing to.

the other thing is that people on these sites do not matter. it is the general consumer and apple's ad's are plain lies. if they want to compare it to apple to microsoft office then say so. if they want to compare it to the microsoft OS, then say so but they have to define what they are comparing.
And why is everyone talking like MS doesn't make Office for Macs. From what I recall, it was developed for Macs first.
It was? Really? I'd like to see some proof of that. The first version of MS Office I recall was from about 1995, and it was for PC. Before that there was Word and Excel separately - since about '88 for Excel (it was Windows only AFAIK), and MS word for DOS was around even before that - '85?

As for why, I have no idea. Other than in the '80s and early '90s if you wanted a computer for the acctg dept, you bought an IBM-compatible PC. If you wanted a computer for newsletters and/or graphics, you bought a Macintosh. But the President of the company I worked for back then used only a Mac (SE30), and one of the color separator/image layout computers (don't know much about what it did, only that I fixed it when it didn't work) in production (we designed and laid out pages for catalogs/sale flyers/etc.) had an IBM PC hidden inside its case. Today the line is much more ephemeral - you can use a mac just fine in an office - as long as you don't have any custom apps that are Windows only, and a PC can do graphics/video/sound/etc. adequately. A mac is more elegant in most cases, but it can still be done.

Also, what appears to be a misunderstanding here is that those ads say "PC is for the office" Not "PC's run MS Office". Refer to my paragraph above for what is meant when it is said "for the office".
