Magnetic laptop

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Mar 8, 2010
I have a msi gx623 and it has aluminum and metallic threads in body design. Recently i noticed that it attracts metal, and as far as i know, magnets has a very bad effect on IT.

So my question is. Is it bad if my laptop generates magnetic fields and attracts metal? The fields are on the bottom corners of the laptop watch the image one is just above the battery indicator lid and the other is on the apposite side.

Many of the laptop repair manuals I download to help in my work specify a magnetic screwdriver as a necessary tool which is just as well because most of mine are, mainly so I don't have to bend down when I drop a screw. 😀 A few years ago, I bought some rare earth magnets in the belief they would help me destroy data on end-of-life hard disks but they make no difference at all.

Magnets can adversely affect CRT monitors but a quick Degauss from the appropriate settings button so puts that right. Your laptop manufacturer is unlikely to have made a basic error in construction so you can stop worrying and enjoy it.

It looks like your screen doesn't have latches, the magnets are most likely to keep the lid shut. If that's the case, then they were put there by design and any ill effects would have been taken into account. Quiet a few of the Thin and Light laptops on the market are like this and I haven't heard of any negatives.
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