Major GPU Freezing Issues


Aug 10, 2014
Okay, so pardon my speech it I get too out of hand but I am more than pissed off as of right now.
Previous GPU: Nvidia GTX; 650 Ti
Current GPU: MSI GTX 760 Tf 4gb
So after this upgrade my games were acting a bit wonky, low frames... getting choppy... yada yada nothing too serious and It seemed to go away after about a week almost as if I had to break in the GPU. Now; I can load in a game like let's say CS:GO. I can join a game and right as I join in BAM it starts to cycle through a loop of whatever was happening right as I loaded in, like if someone was reloading I will just hear the reloading sound clip over and over again, the game will freeze and absolutely fuck my computer. Like actually fuck it. My task manager won't work and I have to completely restart.
What I have tried doing;
Re-installing the games.
Re-installing the drivers.
Putting the GPU in what my mobo considers 'safe-mode'.
Nothing has helped. Sadly MSI's support line isn't open on weekends so I will be contacting them on Monday but for now any help or information is much appreciated.