Question Major Issues with AirPod Pros on Windows 11 ?

Dec 1, 2022
Hello everyone! Just recently purchased a new computer and I am have serious issues with my Airpods pro. They will work for maybe 20-30minutes.. then the sound will start stuttering then it will become echoey. I've tried a different Bluetooth headset(Beats) and have didn't have any issues.

I've disabled the Microphone and have done all these steps but the issue persists.

The Bluetooth that came with the computer wouldn't even let me connect my Airpods, so I'm using an external USB Bluetooth adapter. Something I noticed is when my Airpods are connected my Wireless Mouse seems to be very wacky and not very responsive. Not sure if the two issues are related.

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hey there,

Try this:

Go to device manager, open up 'Sounds, Video and Game controllers'. Right click any 'hands free' or 'telephony' devices and click disable. Restart computer. Does the issue still persist?

Please list your PC specs. Make sure all system drivers are up to date. Including sound, GPU driver, chipset.

What bios are you currently running on the system?
Hello! Thanks for your reply.. I have seen that suggestion before and I already disabled my Recording part of the Airpods.

I will post what my device manager looks like. I've disabled both Airpods at different times and it does not seem to fix the issue.

All my drivers are update.

Am I able to reinstall the Sound Drivers? is that a thing? Any other suggestions would be great! Thanks

Computer Specs:
Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900KF @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
It HAS to be something with the Airpods... but I have no idea what to do. I'm just guessing they only work on Apple products? I'm having the same issue on my Chromebook.
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