randomizer :
Let me remind you that Tom's news team is currently manned by 3 people, and an occasional 4th. They do not have an all-seeing eye, and can not possibly cover everything.
It's quite conspicuous in the news. It's on the Telegraph.co.uk, it's on the Wall Street Journal site at www.wsj.com, and the even New York Times (reluctantly since they would rather try to ignore it as liberal as the are) at
and Fox News at Foxnews.com
and on the televised news, on the Neil Cavuto show, and on the Glenn Beck show. It's on virtually every talk show host, like Rush Limbaugh, is talking about it in the US. It's not that inconspicuous of a story. I did a search for "used ATM" and their story about used ATMs being sold didn't appear anywhere, yet they are reporting on that. I did a google search on "leaked email" and "hacked email" and stories about this were at the top, showing it is quite conspicuous of an issue. This is the information age and just covering what the AP reports, which seems to be the case with Tom's News, could be a liability.
Maybe they need to broaden their reading and news gathering if they are into news because this is a very big story. Whole countries have been developing policy over what these "climate scientists" "articles" have been saying. It is at University of East Anglia in England who works with Penn State, Arizona State, and the University of Georgia, all of which have been drawn into the story. It's just too big to have been missed if they want to be into news. This is potentially the biggest news story of the year. Almost EVERYTHING that is being reported about CO2, carbon footprints everywhere, in textbooks, The Green Channel information on cable news is now known to be false. Obama and the other countries going to Copenhagen is for no reason because global warming doesn't existed as shown by this EMAIL LEAK. THIS IS A BIG STORY. The basis for all of the "climate scientists" and their COMPUTER CLIMATE MODELING (in case there is still a question whether this deals with technology) data is COOKED, SKEWED, virtually made up out of whole cloth out of thin air. THIS IS BIG!!
So the implication that this is some obscure story doesn't hold water or even that it is not relevant. This big news and deals with Technology like I've said before and like I said before, it's almost, I said ALMOST, irresponsible if they want to be into reporting news. So, I DON'T think it's good enough to not notice a story this big. If they can find an obscure story about used ATMs being sold on Craigslist, or obscure stories about virtually secret laser weapon testing, like I've seen here before, there is no excuse for not knowing this.
Sometimes you need to admit that a mistake is made or maybe not even that, just give thanks for being notified of it, and realize you need to get on it right away instead of saying we just don't have enough people and this is one of those times where saying we don't have enough people does excuses it, especially with all the obscure stories they do come up with.