In the last 15 years, the lake has frozen over completely, and you need to put this into perspective, as to its depth and its mean temps and size and location (winds etc)
In 15 years time, the lake has frozen over 3 times completely, which is 4 times the norm, so having 1 year where it wasnt frozen in 35+ years takes more precedence? Youre making my point, TY.
Ive experienced this, and yes, the area is large, like central asia, and it can be cold, but even Philadelphia is now experiencing a winter its never seen before in snowfall.
Now, what does snowfall do?
Its not just Philly either, but the vast majority of the east coast, you know, the same one where the sea levels are to increase by 20 feet?
Another huge area.
So, my pointing out huge areas where we see the coldest, the most snowfall, exceptio0nal freezwes etc are nothing because other areas are more important?
This is another proble I have with this, if its cold, GW says, its supposed to be, if its has record cold, GW says its supposed to be, if its record snowfalls, GW says its supposed to be. In other words, theyve covered anything that may happen heheh, and still cant predict the weather 5 days from now, yet 20 years, no problemo.
Too many claims, too many things to ignore, too many hidden agendas, too many hidden facts etc etc , but most of all, too many taxes and control
In 15 years time, the lake has frozen over 3 times completely, which is 4 times the norm, so having 1 year where it wasnt frozen in 35+ years takes more precedence? Youre making my point, TY.
Ive experienced this, and yes, the area is large, like central asia, and it can be cold, but even Philadelphia is now experiencing a winter its never seen before in snowfall.
Now, what does snowfall do?
Its not just Philly either, but the vast majority of the east coast, you know, the same one where the sea levels are to increase by 20 feet?
Another huge area.
So, my pointing out huge areas where we see the coldest, the most snowfall, exceptio0nal freezwes etc are nothing because other areas are more important?
This is another proble I have with this, if its cold, GW says, its supposed to be, if its has record cold, GW says its supposed to be, if its record snowfalls, GW says its supposed to be. In other words, theyve covered anything that may happen heheh, and still cant predict the weather 5 days from now, yet 20 years, no problemo.
Too many claims, too many things to ignore, too many hidden agendas, too many hidden facts etc etc , but most of all, too many taxes and control
I honestly have no idea what charts you are looking at. Could you provide the ones that shows a prediction of 3 complete freezes in the next 15 years? Because the ones I have - - show that in the 29 year period shown it only reached 100% ice coverage once, in 1996. And it certainly doesn't make predictions about future ice coverage as you claim to be able to do.
The area is nowhere near the SIZE of central Asia, I was merely commenting on the continental effect producing a large swing in temperatures. You continue to confuse a weather event with climate. This is a weather event, or a (hopefully) temporary shift in weather patterns, and is not relevant to the entire year average. If I went to Florida before a large hurricane struck, saw the wind, the rain and the storm surge, it would be foolish of me to assume that this is what Florida is like all year round. If this lasts until July we can start going 'oh sh*t, maybe this is a permanent shift in weather patterns', but as it is at the moment it is just a harder winter for some balanced by a much milder winter for others.
I explained this with a note in a prior post, after contacting one of the authors of the study he explained it as such 'the the ocean circulation can change due to changes of the wind pattern and changes of the ocean water density, the sea level can change with these changes. For example, if you fill a bath tub, then start to drain the water, you could sea that the level of the water is different in the bath tub. In the ocean, the same thing happens. The changes of ocean circulation, such as the Atlantic oceanic overturning circulation, can change the local sea level which it is called dynamic sea level change. This dynamic sea level change can cause the sea level rise more in some regions sic and sea level lower in some regions sic.' This is why there is a sea level differential. There's an image of it -
No, other areas are not more important, everywhere is of equal importance. Western Asia, Northern Canada, Continental Europe, North Africa, Central America, Western Australia - these places were all warmer than usual. There significance is identical to the colder places; Northern Europe, North Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Australia, I don't know what you are driving at. I place influence on the warmer parts to point out that while it cold in some places it is warmer in others.
You know what I believe. I do believe that global warming has caused this, and that as such we are responsible for that cold weather. I think this is part of the process of the world screwing up. But this is a belief and the weather hasn't ended, so scientists haven't had the chance to do a study into whether this WEATHER was as a result of global warming. They might just go, 'you know what, we can't actually prove the link here, so in the conclusion of our study we can't put that unsubstantiated claim in, as the peer-review would tear us apart'. But of course you will always say that they will link it to anything, so if it IS actually part of global warming, which will be bloody difficult to substantiate, you will just say 'Of course they'll say that, it's part of the conspiracy', without even looking at the paper, which contains evidence to back up their conclusion. I have already discussed the difference between Meteorology and Climatology. Meteorologists rely on chaos theory to predict weather in the short term ('5 days'), whereas climatologists use climate modelling to predict future climate. Two different methods, two different time scales, two different fields of study. Meteorologists also have to predict to within what, 2 square miles (the Met office does it down to 1.5km horizontally) whereas climatologists can pull out to maybe 100km horizontal, plus they only have to look at temperature instead of every single aspect of weather. So whilst 5 day forecasts are indeed difficult, long-range climate forecasts for 10, 20 or even 50 years are a lot easier.
You must be an anarchist with that view of government. Of course you pay taxes. Out of which you get; policing, armed forces, social security, education, roads, and in most developed nations, healthcare. It only follows that you pay taxes to clean up the mess we've all made, yourself and myself included, to this planet. The evidence for this is vast, and action should be taken immediately. It should have been taken at Kyoto but it wasn't and procrastination is getting us nowhere but spiralling downwards towards chaos. You see to much evidence and call it to many claims.