When people see graphs like this, its hard to say weve changed things in their eyes
As for the poor, the blood diamonds, the rosewood thats no longer legal etc etc, when we put these restrictions on, we deny them of any alternative ability to make monies, or, a sense of communism, as the state knows whats best for you, even if it means more squalor.
Id asked earlier if youd go to war over oil, you answered no, but I tell you now, since WW2 its happened, and will happen again. The Japanese wanted more territory to preserve their oil for future expansion, current wealth and independence.
The poor will go to war over being able to use their natural resources as well, and not just oil. If the economies are stressed by such a GW proposal, the poor are hit the worst, or your prior words of the rich being so different from the poor carry no weight.
This being the case, having highly valued natural resources surrounding you, while you live in squalor, and someone telling you you cant use them to better yourself, well, you better bring guns, as someone once said, the revolutions only a few meals away.
Seing humanity as a virus is where you and I differ. Your virus is my sin. Knowledge wont save the day here, and even the philosophy some embrace are finally coming to that fact, a fact Ive known in faith for a long time already.
For their numbers, a horse does tremendous damage to grasses and soil. E=MC squared, and Ive yet to se a cow or whatever keep up with a horse.
Much like carp, they tear away at the soils and ruin the underlying plants.
As far as 2000 or 12000 trs ago, I again point to my graph. Would you say looking at it, it has a certain pattern, and that the average person sees this as well?
GW is micromanaging something we simply dont know about, and asking what theyre asking without those certain proofs, say, making for a drastically altered graph over time, say again, where this pattern didnt fit, but was something new, then yes, itd carry even more weight, as most dont deny it is getting warmer, but by many can be explained thru a simple graph.
Now, the poor can see this graph, and can grasp its understanding, just like the rich, saying that both has to suffer a lil more after seeing this, where do your arguments lay with them? On dead ears?
Since most have belief systems where man isnt thought of as a virus, youll find this to be most likely, once they know where most of the belief system lies within these same ideas, including the added suffering.
So, again, why do people insist we are viruses? A virus is driven by that which it cant deny, its own livelyhood, and so to is man, but admitting this as a belief system doesnt allow for change, whereas faith does, and some faiths reside within the virus theory, where most others do not.
And, Id point out, needing faith in either is unscientific at its origin, thus the condemnation of the "virus" approach, and most will see it this way, not my doing, Im wise enough to know my own shortcomings, and recognize them in others as well.
Like I said, be prepared to fight over oil, whether you still dont think its worth it or not
To many, and listen well here, as some will see, oil is a rarity, only getting rarer, so we must save the oil, or spare it,and working all day just to bring home the daily bread, and we must also spare the greenery, the old growth, the vine so to speak,this is what it is, and wont change, and only get worse