[citation][nom]Maxor127[/nom]I would've been okay with the Mass Effect 3 ending if each choice wasn't pretty much the exact same ending with a different color scheme. So your choice didn't really matter at all. My first reaction was "okay, whatever just happened... oh well, I don't care, it's over." Then I tried a different ending and had to sit through literally a half hour of unskippable dialogue only to see the exact same ending with a different color. And then I started to use my brain and analyzed what I just watched.It's not just a bad ending... it completely ignores the lore they created plus the lore they made up at the last minute for the ending plus any sort of logic even within the realm of fantasy/science fiction. If Bioware is smart, they'll pretend the Indoctrination theory was true all along because it at least can make some sense out of the horrible ending.[/citation]
thats the only redeemable way to do it, now... i fully believe that if the indoc theory is true, and with what the red ending to the game has, i believe its just a VERY bad telling of what happens.
only way to redeem the game is to destroy the universe.
and anyone who is complaining about "we shouldnt complain about it" please, watch angry joes why the mass effect 3 ending sucks video, as he sums it all up very well.
[citation][nom]JBADS[/nom]I really do hope that this delivers, but I have my doubts. Even if this extended cut does not work out, I will still give Bioware some credit. There is content within this game that I was very much content with, it is still a good game.[/citation]
i have gotten so use to the journey and not the destination, but 3 games building up to the destination... and THAT is what you get... its barely better than fable 2 and 3 endings... scrap that, its barely better than fable 2 ending.