I've been using Verizon since around 2018 and its has been a pleasure. ROCK SOLID performance. I always could have people on my network streaming 4K, downloading games etc and the internet still preformed smoothly. Voice chat would never lag and packet loss was never an issue. But as of June 3rd I've been having massive problems.
Now, Whenever someone does something on my network that takes a chunk (NOT ALL - in my test only 400-700mbps ) of bandwidth, my entire network experiences packet loss. This happens regardless of it the devices is wired or wireless. So if someone is streaming 4K, downloading a game etc its a mess. On every device I measure on, I get between 20-26% packet loss. So if someone is using any kind of VOIP, WiFi Calling on a phone, video chat etc its unusable which to me is a big deal. Esp. with how much prices have gone up and how WELL everything worked before.
To CLARIFY - this never was an issue in all my years using Fios & has only appeared starting June 3rd 2023.
Troubleshooting steps -
1 - My Primary router is the VZ CR1000a which has been solid since I've gotten it. But I did try to use my backup, the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000. This did not change anything.
2- I unplugged my ONT & my Router for 10 hours, plugged it back in. No fix.
3- I tried multiple network drivers on my windows PC (Most recent and other versions ) no fix. But as I said this packet loss is repeatable on any device I use on my network.
3B - even with that said I wiped and did a fresh Windows install on my main PC - this did not fix.
4 (lol) - I contacted VZW support multiple times and have gotten zero help. They simply run a speed test, see I'm getting my paid for speeds and say "yup everything is fine have a nice day".
I really do not know what to do. This is not normal behavior and VZ is unwilling to even try to help me.
I've taken my computer to my friends house (His ISP is xfinity) and my packet loss is 0.7% while fully saturing their bandwidth .... Its really making me think about leaving Fios, as I am a heavy user and if I'm going to have my internet quality degraded so much while NOT EVEN FULLY SATURATING MY DOWNLOAD - I cannot justify staying with them
If anyone has suggestions or a way to get in touch with someone who can help me It'd be greatly appreciated.
Now, Whenever someone does something on my network that takes a chunk (NOT ALL - in my test only 400-700mbps ) of bandwidth, my entire network experiences packet loss. This happens regardless of it the devices is wired or wireless. So if someone is streaming 4K, downloading a game etc its a mess. On every device I measure on, I get between 20-26% packet loss. So if someone is using any kind of VOIP, WiFi Calling on a phone, video chat etc its unusable which to me is a big deal. Esp. with how much prices have gone up and how WELL everything worked before.
To CLARIFY - this never was an issue in all my years using Fios & has only appeared starting June 3rd 2023.
Troubleshooting steps -
1 - My Primary router is the VZ CR1000a which has been solid since I've gotten it. But I did try to use my backup, the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000. This did not change anything.
2- I unplugged my ONT & my Router for 10 hours, plugged it back in. No fix.
3- I tried multiple network drivers on my windows PC (Most recent and other versions ) no fix. But as I said this packet loss is repeatable on any device I use on my network.
3B - even with that said I wiped and did a fresh Windows install on my main PC - this did not fix.
4 (lol) - I contacted VZW support multiple times and have gotten zero help. They simply run a speed test, see I'm getting my paid for speeds and say "yup everything is fine have a nice day".
I really do not know what to do. This is not normal behavior and VZ is unwilling to even try to help me.
I've taken my computer to my friends house (His ISP is xfinity) and my packet loss is 0.7% while fully saturing their bandwidth .... Its really making me think about leaving Fios, as I am a heavy user and if I'm going to have my internet quality degraded so much while NOT EVEN FULLY SATURATING MY DOWNLOAD - I cannot justify staying with them
If anyone has suggestions or a way to get in touch with someone who can help me It'd be greatly appreciated.