Question Max shared memory for Ryzen 5 8600G IGPU


May 11, 2008
What's the maximum amount of RAM that the Ryzen 5 8600G's IGPU can share from system memory? Does it depend only on the motherboard BIOS setting?

I vaguely recall something like 2GB but I can't find that bit of information anywhere now. Maybe I'm confusing it with something else.
It doesn't matter. If Windows needs the igpu to have more ram, it will automatically asign more ram.
You should always assign in bios the smallest amount of ram possible for the igpu, because dedicated vram and shared system ram is the same for an igpu, because it is all just ram, in this case ddr5. There is NO performance impact. For a dedicated gpu you have real vram that is much faster than ram and it does matter. Not for the igpu. Windows will just share ram with it dynamically and will allocate as much as the igpu requests, up to 8 or 16 for the 8600g I dont remember which, as long as that ram is free.