Question Memtest86 with 16 errors


Aug 30, 2017
Hello everyone! Around the new year, I decided to upgrade my PC. I bought an R7 5700 and a Gigabyte 3060ti. For the first few weeks, everything ran perfectly fine, until one day when I sold my old GPU. The buyer wanted to see the GPU working, so I plugged it in and booted the PC. Everything ran poorly because the old GPU drivers were uninstalled then, but the customer was satisfied and bought the GPU. After that, the problems began. I uninstalled all drivers using DDU, thinking that Windows downloaded some after I installed the old GPU and that it caused conflict with drivers, but the problems persisted. Updated all drivers, and BIOS, but the problem persists. I noticed that while running certain games, opening the Task Manager didn't show me full info, but instead just said memory is low, even tho it sat around 60-70% usage. I decided to run MemTest and this is what I got. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Full PC specs:
R7 5700x
Gigabyte 3060ti
2x8 Kingson Fury 3600mHz
AsRock B550m Pro4
Evga SuperNOVA 550 G3

MemTest results:
Part 1:
Part 2: