Question Menus sometimes load on the secondary display ?


May 7, 2019
I have a dual monitor setup which are assigned as display #1 (my bottom monitor) and display #2 (my top monitor) in Windows 11.

I've noticed that when some apps or Windows folders are too close to the edge of monitor #1 and I click a fly-out or right click context menu, it will instead jump up to the top screen (instead of next to the icon/app where it's located on the primary/bottom monitor).

This is supremely annoying and I'd like it to always keep everything on the monitor I'm working from. Is there some setting I have missed that will ensure everything I click/open stays the bottom/primary screen from which it was clicked?
couldn´t replicate your issue, but I´m on win10

how did you setup your multimonitor setup exactly?

gpu drivers up to date?

It's a pretty typical dual monitor setup. It's set to extend them. This definitely is a new issue on Windows 11 (as I've had the same setup for years, and Windows 10 behaved properly). And yes, all drivers stay up to date.

Seems like there should be some way for Windows to recognize when it's pushing a menu off onto the wrong screen, and keep it native to where it was opened from. It's not like I don't have plenty of room. 😳

Thanks a lot for that suggestion! Honestly, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I kinda like the new Windows 11 version 🤣

Also, I'm thinking that may not work, because this only happens when I click "Properties" for example. And that is the box that pops up on the other screen, instead of staying put down where it was loaded from. But I appreciate you trying to figure something out for me!
ok, that's a different problem. the window properties is your only problem then, while opening by context menu?


Thanks! It's actually not just the properties dialog box, it's any windows that gets too close to the edge (and Windows pushes it to the other display). Also happens in Photoshop for example, when I open the font drop-down (Photoshop is on the bottom screen where it belongs), but the font list pops up to the top screen. Very weird/annoying.

This person on another forum has the same problem, where even the menu from his tray icons are bouncing back and fourth across the border:


Very weird quirk in Windows 11 thus far. Hope a solution is found eventually, as it wasn't an issue before in Windows 10 that I'm aware of (hate to keep beating that drum lol).