Microsoft Denies Windows 7 Has NSA Backdoor

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Yeah, because you know if MS did put in back doors they would so tell us if we asked them nicely.

Yeah, whatever.

The denial probably means that there is such a back door in Windows 7. Of course, who knows if that was intentional or not ^_^. Anyway, I'm thinking there is a backdoor just for the NSA. They have to make it easier to view the massive amounts of data they, uh, just happen to have that didn't come from secret lines going to their servers from your ISP. Nope no secret fiber optic lines here.
At least half of you appear to have lost your common-sense!! Why ON EARTH would the NSA be working with Microsoft if NOT to ensure some sort of backdoor access were available? Working to ensure Windows IS secure.... for other countries? That's ridiculous!! Yes, Windows has had some glaring failures in the past- but do the math- for every process or activity that breaks in Windows, 1000 have hummed right along without notice. Nobody thinks of those. 'But we'd find the backdoors if they existed' More nonsense! Ever think that the measures they've added don't allow CSI-style theatrics? It would be MUCH better to simply add something that allows access to a machine IF they have physical access to it. Or possibly something that easily allows additional code to be introduced which DOES open the proverbial CSI-style backdoor. The NSA may not want it's prized spying code to go into every machine on earth- THAT surely would be found by some expert somewhere, but it would be overjoyed if that same spying code were reserved a nice easy 'fit' on target machines. 'I'm safe, I use a firewall' So what! Spend an hour researching 'computrace'; how it works, where it comes from, how persistent it is. I'll bet many would be surprised- and ITS scope is strictly consumer/commercial.
I know this site is all about the US, but what if you ordered your copy of the Windows 7 from the EU perhaps, I mean you are all freaked out about the NSA because you live in the US and think there is no world beyond the US...But does the EU or the Asian version of Windows 7 have the same "backdoor", and more importantly do you really think that we care? If Uncle Sam wants to know what kind of gayporn I download, I'm more than happy to give him the details...
They lie..... Microsoft is bed with the government.

Windows 7 = improved government hacking.

Windows 8 in a couple years with even better NSA.
[citation][nom]etichi[/nom]Let me get this straight, because the government uses Windows 7 they should be allowed to "help out" ? That's as stupid as I drive a VW so I should "help out" with the next iteration of the Passat.citation]

No. You completely missed my point. The NSA is responsible for domestic security including that of an operating system that they themselves will use. It is in their best interested for them to strengthen the security of the product. Would be stupid for them to create a weakness that others could exploit. The NSA has excellent R&D and it would be a benefit for them to assist in any organization's security. As for your Passat comment, manufacturers often go to their users and to outside experts to assist in certain aspects of design for their product. Nice way to punctuate your argument with a childish insult.
Our government has mastered the art of lying to our faces while doing exactly what they deny. Am I wrong? We should all be beyond the point of letting anything insane surprise us. Like it or not, this is the world we now live with. Lie, lie, lie through the media enough and people will either believe it or get sick of hearing it, or simply don't have the stomach to face reality. Ignorance is bliss as they say.
This comes as no surprise.... Bush and the NSA have been violating the constitution for years. Now we learn that Bush was wiretapping us 6 months before 9/11. The very existence of the NSA violates the Constitution-- they are an agency of absolute power and no checks, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. NSA is the American equivalent to the Nazi SS.
[citation][nom]etichi[/nom]I don't think car manufacturers ask the government to help design anything. They may test them and hold them to meet a certain metric. But if it broken they will often just say "Fix it then come back for more testing."The world will be using Windows 7, why doesn't the EU kick in a few bucks for Microsoft to fix their software. The argument that the government uses it so they must help out is weak.[/citation]

Wow. Your argument is all over the board... and you would be wrong. The government provides testing, guidelines and R&D data to the auto manufacturing sector. A lot of the safety in the car I drive is based on that research data.

Your implication of something sinister is based on no evidence. The truth is that the NSA is probably one of the top authorities around on security R&D. If I wanted top security for my product and could get that kind of expertise, why wouldn't I? If the NSA has a back door into windows (and I will assert again that they do not need it), find it and get back with us. Until then, your argument is without support or merit. I do applaud your decision to dispense with the childish insults from your ealier post.

My argument was to show that the government has a vested interest in the product's security. Is it your argument that they do not? Care to elaborate?

Currently, and I do not agree with this at all, the government does not need the data off your computer to do anything. All they have to do is declare you an "enemy combatant" and they can hold you without due process, an attorney, speedy trial or any of the other items to allow you your freedom. Wanna fix something that is broken, then join the movement to have due process put back into the system for everyone. Then you would be doing something positive.

My "all over the board" comment was directed at your automotive example.
The fact is that Microsoft has collaborated with the NSA.
It is easy for me to see that both sides benefit in non-sinister cloak an dagger ways.
Microsoft gets the benefit of the NSA's security expertise. I am not aware of a single private agency that can match the NSA.
The NSA gets a benefits as they are, by charter, responsible for domestic security. I did not see where the NSA was helping Microsoft "fix" something. I'm betting Microsoft got some direction and technology.

There might be good talent outside the NSA and CIA, but I do not know of any private agency that is as good let alone better. To say that they should not collaborate is more of an agenda than an argument. Both are free to collaborate as they see fit. No one has found a back door. Lots are speculating that it exists, of course there is no indicator of this outside blind speculation.

Microsoft wouldnt put a backdoor in, not for the NSA or anyone else.

If they did then eventually and industrious hacker would find it then all hell would break loose, they arent daft enough to risk it.

As far as using "the man" to advise on security is nothing new, MS Head of Security Ed Gibson is a former FBI agent. You go to the people in the know if you want the best, be they private or governmental.
[citation][nom]etichi[/nom]If the government is only offering direction then make it public and not only privy to Microsoft. If it isn't allowed to be public then it is clear that they are fixing MS baseline.[/citation]

I don't see your argument as clear at all as I do not know of anything that compells them to divulge details about the collaboration. This is not a "Freedom of Information Act" scenario. Do you have knowledge of anything that would compell either entity to divulge the details of their collaboration?

If not, what would be the benefit for either party to give details?
They dont, because NO ONE ASKED!!!

If anyone at Apple or Linux, (why do I even refer to Linux as if it was a company, when it isnt), wanted NSA help in security then they should have asked themselves.

So someone was waiting for MS to ask first then if they get a positive feedback everyone jumps around saying "make it public!", well I say why didnt someone at Apple get of their fat ass and go the NSA as well? And Linux, seeing as they have no representatives and even if they did then good luck getting an appointment for each of the thousand differant distros, PLUS, isnt the Linux community all about the end users doing things themselves?

Man up and accept it, if you want the benefit of professional advice you should have gone there yourself.
By the way, I want to make it clear that this isnt a republican vs democrat thing, its a "people in power" thing. Obama has done a disservice by making it known that laptops and cell phones can be seized at the border (from anyone) and be checked for things like copyright infringement and who is on your cell phone calling list. This is on the same level as the NSA and ATT keeping track of millions of Americans from even before 9/11 happened (not that even that is a good excuse.) The telecoms should be sued out of existence for going along with this-- its basically on the same level as companies like IBM and Mercedes Benz going along with the Nazis.
Haha and now we have a new story about MS paying people to stay off of Google. Bill Gates would have done wonders under the Third Reich.
Is something keeping other companies for seeking their own collaboration?
You are worrying about sonething that you don't even know to exist. I have no problem with any company taking collaboration with the NSA for security pointers. It is not about trust... it is about not wasting my time worrying about something you don't even know exists. There is not even a hint of fact that it exists. Plenty of real stuff to worry about in the real world.
[citation][nom]alex hay[/nom]Haha and now we have a new story about MS paying people to stay off of Google. Bill Gates would have done wonders under the Third Reich.[/citation]

Private company offering financial incentives to another private company... that is your idea of fascism?
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