Microsoft, HP Accused of ''Skirting'' U.S. Taxes

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[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom] to the UK, it's 24% and dropping to 23% next year, we will happily take Microsoft's business if you don't want it[/citation]

And overall England has many more taxes than the US. But yes the corporate income tax rate is slightly lower and companies employees get socialized health care which is one less cost for the companies.
[citation][nom]10tacle[/nom]Funny thing about those charts, Mr. Democrat: Obama has deficit spent more than every president listed there...COMBINED. Secondly, you need to look at the "welfare" states in so-called "red" states and break the numbers down by racial demographics relative to their percentage of the population as a whole. You'll see an entirely different point of view, and it won't be in your liberal favor. Third and finally, Clinton's budget "Surplus" warrants two responses: 1), Republicans ran Congress and forced Clinton to the budget table and 2), there really IS no such thing as the Clinton budget "surplus" because America has had a continuing growing deficit since WWII...EVERY YEAR. Here's a similar comparison: if you are proud of yourself and spending less than you take in, great! But that doesn't mean you are in a surplus...or positive flow balance sheet...if you still owe $100,000 on your mortgage and $10,000 on your car.[/citation]

That's also a false, This is again is one of those 47% comments, the debt was $11.9 trllion when Obama took office, it's $16 trillion, under Obama the deb haas gone up about $4 trillion, however, this debt is not actually of function of his spending, Obama actually has the lowest increase in spending for an administration since Hoover. #1 Congress controls the budget not the executive branch, #2 Obama took over a budget with $1.1 trillion deficit already in 2009 which is actually a Bush budget year, the budget is set in 2008, essentially until we raise taxes, cut military spending, and reform MM and SS, the US budget will continue to have a $1 trillion annual deficit. The only spending that can actually be attributed to any function of an Obama initiative was the $800 billion stimulus of 2009, however, only part of that was actually Obama spend , it includes some funds from the 2008 TARP $750 billion bailout.

Anyway, the idea that Obama has spent more than all others presidents combined, is false, being that Obama has spent $12 trillion while in office, and finally it's false because Obama hasn't actually had many administration initiatives that actually added to the US budget aside from the 2009 stimulus. He's actually been quite hawkish on spending. The deficit is a function of existing budget expenditures or "non-discretionary" spending that by law the US is required to pay like MM, unemployment, we were paying for wars (military) ... etc ... non of which has anything to do with Obama initiatives but rather prior administrations. Example, medicare wasn't created by Obama but unless congress changes the laws it's getting paid every year.
[citation][nom]jasonpwns[/nom]You couldn't be more wrong. Romney released his taxes and everything showed up just fine. No cheating the system. All legal.[/citation]

Romney released his 2011 tax return as required by law, he didn't file them by April 2011 and got an extension. He released that tax return last week, 2010 was already released. Most nominees usually release 10 years of tax returns instead of the required 2 years. Romney has not "released" his tax returns ... he released a tax return which he had to do by law anyway, he didn't do anything special only the required. And obviously he's not going to have anything that looks fishy in a 2011 tax return during a year he's running for president. In fact, he took less charitable deductions to make sure the effective rate was 14.1% , meeting a promise that he would pay more percent in taxes this year than he did last year, had he not instructed his accountants to reduce his charitable deductions he would have paid less than last year. The point no one has seen "his tax returns" for anything other than the 2 years he has to show.
[citation][nom]SteelCity1981[/nom]you get your infomation from wiki? lol that says it all. I'm living in a cave? hoe about living in reality unlike the kool-aid drinker that you are. It's clear that you are a heavily bias troll that has to come on here and quote everyone that disagrees with you because you are trying to convince yourself that you are right. Either that or you are a loser and don't have anything else better to do but to sit on your computer and hit the refresh button every 5 minutes just to see if someone quoted you on your post. Oh yes because bush was respionseable for all those ninja loans back in the 90's that lead to the housing market to crumble that was apporved by the FDIC. Yes bush was responseable for Japans economic collapse that started in the mid 90's. What you want to blame bush for greece's economic demise due to their enititlement scoiety that has lead their gov on the verge of bankruptcy? too. And please spare me your obama lover shit people elected him to fix the problem not add more to the debt he's basicly trying to spend his way out of debt, which is like paying your debt off with a credit card. then again this was the same prez that said he can't fix washington from the inside. lol And for the record i'm not a rep but unlike you my glasses aren't fogged up beyond belief. So quit dick riding obama already mr so called thinks he knows everything about the economy, because if you had half the brain that you think you do about the economy you would be up in washington fixing the problem instead of on toms hardware qwating for people to reply to your comments every 5 minutes.[/citation]

Yes, trying to blame Bush entirely for the collapse of 2007 is ridiculous, however, he has a hand. Most of the systematic issues came from a deregulation of financial markets, going back to 1960's... with the culimination of the removal of glass-stegal in 1999. Glass-stegal being a New Deal Law to prevent commerical and investment houses from combining funds, for example, Bank Of America couldn't use your personal deposits for it's investments arm. I.e. creating certain securities to sell on the market. Finally, the idea that sub-prime was the domino is also false, the collapse wasn't because of one single thing. It's was a combination ... as for debt spending. Here you are wrong?

What "initiatives" has Obama created to spend his way out of debt? This is non-sensical talking point that has no basis in fact what so ever. Obama inherited a budget with $1.1 trillion annual deficit, this deficit exists because

#1 under Bush we did cut taxes, which accounts for about half of the annual short fall,

#2 we increased military spending to both fund the wars and in general,

#3 MM and SS have gone up in cost because our population is aging, although technically SS can never spend more money than it has in the bank ... MM though can and it currently does

#4 Unemployment and other safety net cost go up in times of recession, as more people use these services, actually though since 2010 these cost have started to go back down as more people went back to work, the recession technically ended in 2009

#5 Tax returns and stimulus these are the two things Obama has actually done that actually cost, he cut taxes and had a one-time charge of essentially $800 billion for the 2009 stimulus. Which is the exact response under Keynesian economic theory for ending a recession, which it did. Recessions are caused by everyone stopping in fact spending, thusly the government must increase it's spending, and cut taxes to create more disposable income for the people, while this does create short term deficits, it reverses contraction in the markets , thus ending the recession. Someone has to spend. Finally, while everyone screams cut spending right now ... cutting spending in a slow recovery will essentially throw you back into recession, deal with cuts once the economy is robust and not beforehand. It's exactly, why Greece had a 2nd recession, it has nothing to do with entitlements, spending doesn't create recession, it was "draconian austerity" laws that caused the recession, becuase this "cut spending" which means you are cutting growth ... it's very simple you cut spending that means someone is losing a job and goods are not being purchased, which stops GDP growth.

Anyway, i just wanted to agree with you on one hand, and squarely set the record straight about Obama spending, the idea that he is some drunken dude with a check book is simply false. He's had little increased spending under his watch ... it's mainly existing expenditures that the government is rquired to pay ... that has nothing to do with any initiatives he's actually endorsed. Remember congress controls the purse strings not the president, and congress has done little for the last 4 years except seek to stop most measures.
[citation][nom]10tacle[/nom]And that's only half the story. Look up the historical effective tax rates on Americans. You Democrat liberals love to talk about that 65% top tax rate that happened decades ago. Well, there were a lot more tax breaks back then than there are now that Democrats got rid of. So while that 65% top tax rate may look good to you liberals on paper, it was NOT what people effectively paid. And they're getting ready to go back up after the Bush-era tax cuts expire that Obama and Democrats will not extend. , Wow you really are a Kool Aid drinker. DEMOCRATS haven't passed a single budget in over THREE YEARS, and they led by that clueless empty suit Obama have elevated the deficit by FIFTY PERCENT since Bush left office...with NO wars other than meddling in Libya! And we see how well that turned out. So where the hell did all that money go? It sure wasn't pumped into the ecomony like that near trillion dollar "stimulus" bill rammed through Congress in 2009 that was supposed to keep unemployment from going above 8% (Biden's words) and create millions of shovel ready and green energy jobs (Obama's words...which later turned into "I guess those shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready). You liberals really are a delusional piece of work.[/citation]

Uhmm ... more talking points full of innacuracies. Biden nor Obama ever said the stimulus would keep unemployment from going above 8% , this is simply a false statement that some Republican congress men stated and somehow it became truth. Go look it up on ... also unemployment was already near 8% when Obama took office, it was 7.8% the day he took office and climbed to 10.2% at the worst, we were losing about 750,000 jobs a month when he took office, so the idea anyone would predict a stimulus would keep it under 8% is ridiculous. Also, the stimulus was $800 billion not $1 trillion, actually Obama's economic advisement team supported a $1.8 trillion stimulus, the Obama administration said basically no way that would pass in congress, most economist agree we needed about $2 trillion infusion for a more robust recovery given the size of the recession.

Also, while you say the stimulus "didn't work" that's entirely false, it absolutely did , it's hard to imagine how bad things ould have been without it, which is the real point, but we can emperically measure is that the recession was ended by June 2009, about 6 months after Obama took office, and the stimulus had a hand. The US economy has grown every quarter since June 2009, while growth hasn't been as robust as eople want, deep recessions do not have sharp growth curves , they are more gradual example, the depression took 11 years and 1 world war to have complete recovery. Obama has managed to regain all the jobs that were lost in the first year of his presidency, about 4.5 million jobs, and no one can argue even the first year losses were attributable to him. Obama actually ahs been quite good in job growth after stopping the recession.
[citation][nom]knight_of_baawa[/nom]Anyone who wants to. Who will build the supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals, etc? Same.[/citation]

What are you talking about. Supermarkets, restaurants, and hospitals are already privatized while the government subsidizes farming they don't build restaurants or supermarkets, they do subsidize hospitals but that's a small amount of money in our budget, only thing I can think of that's large is Medicaid which most people don't know is also the fund used to pay hospital residency doctors to be salaries. Things like roads, schools, fire departments, police departments, etc ... are things that government handles from infrastucture stand point, the main cost though in the US budget are entitlements (MM and SS) they are 2nd and 3rd largest expenditure, behind #1 military, #4 is interest on debt , the big 4 combine for almost 70% of our annual budget. It amazes me so few people know what we actually spend money on.
I find the comments on this topic to be quite naive and jugemental. Lets make a couple things clear. 1. any of you that have a problem with the way that MS and HP are legally paying taxes is a hypocrite. I guarantee that you take every precaution when paying your taxes now to ensure that you take as much home rather than pay extra to the IRS. I suspect that you would be more cautious to take advantage of every tax break you can get if you were netting millions or billions to protect your company and thousands of employees. 2. Someone mentions Romney and "his offshore accounts" me his offshore accounts! I'm not a huge fan of him, but he has certainly proven that he has paid every dime that he owes to the IRS...including paying about 20% tax rate from 1999-2009. The average American is about 13-15% tax rate. The 14% tax rate the last 2 years that he has paid is due to capital gains, which you will probably bitch about, until you realize you receive the same benifit from your mutual funds....but for some reason Romney has no right to the same legal tax advantages you have. 3. If you want MS and HP to pay more taxes in the US...then create incentive. The laws are written so they would take the incentive to move money like they do now. Rewrite the laws...but not to screw people, but rather make it more profitable to do business in your home country.
I could care less if a rich man tries hiding his money. If he did not have to worry about hiding it from Uncle Sam, maybe he invest that money into other endeavors.
acadia, while i'll agree it wasn't one thing that caused it but ninja loans didn't help either. when you take a look at people buying houses before banks started handing out ninja loans people needed collateral, after the FDIC apporved of these ninja loans in the late 90's people didn't have to show collateral anymore, as along as they had a job and decent credit they were appoved. This is what you call the banks taking for granted a good economy. But when the tech bubble burst in early 2000 and people stopped making hand over fist in money and started to lose money instead which had a domino effect on everything else in the economy that's when it all started to go down hill and that's whe al of these banks that handed out ninja loans realized they got in over their head when people could no longer afford their mortgage because by the mid to late 2000's we were heading into a ressesion where jobs were being lost at a rapid pace and people didn't need collateral at the time of these ninja loans didn't have the money to afford these houses so the bank had to eat their debt which pretty much put the housing market into a downward spiral from there.

No one is denying that Obama didn't inherit 1.1 tirllion dollars in debt from the bush admin. A lot of that debt came from 2 wars, but what Obama has done is add an editional 8 trillon dollars in debt. Since he has been in office unemployment is worse, the economy is worse, more people are on gov aid then ever before. So basicly he hasn't fixed the problem he has just added onto the problem itself. Even Clinton has disagreed with a nice sum of his choices inregards to his admin choices on the economy. I'm not a rep but we elect a prez to fix problems not makes excuses and make them worse and Obama has done just that. All this hope and change stuff was nothing but talk to get elected. I mean where is the hope for those 23 million americans out of work? The only change they saw since his admin was losing their job. And yes both parties are to blame for this mess in the past decade, but from this admin all there has been is nothing but excuses and blame instead of finding away to compermise set aside your diff and do what's best for the country. This is where Clinton was soo good and Obama isn't. Clinton could reach across both party platforms and work together Obama doesn't want to work across both parties lines in get things done.
[citation][nom]ejb222[/nom]I find the comments on this topic to be quite naive and jugemental. Lets make a couple things clear. 1. any of you that have a problem with the way that MS and HP are legally paying taxes is a hypocrite. I guarantee that you take every precaution when paying your taxes now to ensure that you take as much home rather than pay extra to the IRS. I suspect that you would be more cautious to take advantage of every tax break you can get if you were netting millions or billions to protect your company and thousands of employees. 2. Someone mentions Romney and "his offshore accounts" me his offshore accounts! I'm not a huge fan of him, but he has certainly proven that he has paid every dime that he owes to the IRS...including paying about 20% tax rate from 1999-2009. The average American is about 13-15% tax rate. The 14% tax rate the last 2 years that he has paid is due to capital gains, which you will probably bitch about, until you realize you receive the same benifit from your mutual funds....but for some reason Romney has no right to the same legal tax advantages you have. 3. If you want MS and HP to pay more taxes in the US...then create incentive. The laws are written so they would take the incentive to move money like they do now. Rewrite the laws...but not to screw people, but rather make it more profitable to do business in your home country.[/citation]

Your comments are incorrect, he has not proven that he has paid 20% for the last 20 years, also, that number is dubious because it doesn't actually mean that he has paid 20% of his total gross income in taxes, because it averages rate paid not amount paid taxes / gross income. Furthermore, the average American pays more 15%, the average American over the last 30 years pays approximately 21%. Finally, the fact that he has not actually shown any tax returns the foranything but the last 2 years, he can claim anything. Furthermore, we know he has off shore accounts because he reports them, doesn't mean the government can tax these safe havens. Final, if Obama showing a birth certificate isn't good enough to quiet critics about his "place of birth", not showing tax returns and just taking Mitt as his face value seems absurd. With all that said, while I agree with much of what you said, I don't agree with your use of facts or lack there of.
[citation][nom]SteelCity1981[/nom]acadia, while i'll agree it wasn't one thing that caused it but ninja loans didn't help either. when you take a look at people buying houses before banks started handing out ninja loans people needed collateral, after the FDIC apporved of these ninja loans in the late 90's people didn't have to show collateral anymore, as along as they had a job and decent credit they were appoved. This is what you call the banks taking for granted a good economy. But when the tech bubble burst in early 2000 and people stopped making hand over fist in money and started to lose money instead which had a domino effect on everything else in the economy that's when it all started to go down hill and that's whe al of these banks that handed out ninja loans realized they got in over their head when people could no longer afford their mortgage because by the mid to late 2000's we were heading into a ressesion where jobs were being lost at a rapid pace and people didn't need collateral at the time of these ninja loans didn't have the money to afford these houses so the bank had to eat their debt which pretty much put the housing market into a downward spiral from there. No one is denying that Obama didn't inherit 1.1 tirllion dollars in debt from the bush admin. A lot of that debt came from 2 wars, but what Obama has done is add an editional 8 trillon dollars in debt. Since he has been in office unemployment is worse, the economy is worse, more people are on gov aid then ever before. So basicly he hasn't fixed the problem he has just added onto the problem itself. Even Clinton has disagreed with a nice sum of his choices inregards to his admin choices on the economy. I'm not a rep but we elect a prez to fix problems not makes excuses and make them worse and Obama has done just that. All this hope and change stuff was nothing but talk to get elected. I mean where is the hope for those 23 million americans out of work? The only change they saw since his admin was losing their job. And yes both parties are to blame for this mess in the past decade, but from this admin all there has been is nothing but excuses and blame instead of finding away to compermise set aside your diff and do what's best for the country. This is where Clinton was soo good and Obama isn't. Clinton could reach across both party platforms and work together Obama doesn't want to work across both parties lines in get things done.[/citation]

Come on now ... there is so much disinformation in your post it's absurd.

Number 1) Banks created sub prime market because it was financially lucrative. They did this in the 80's as well under SNL and thrift banking system, and the government bailed them out again once it became not so lucrative. Banks wanted to make those loans, however, the loans in of themselves are not domino, it's but a cog ... you needed repeal of lot's of regulations as mentioned, like Glass-Stegal, you needed the derivatives market, you needed looser lending practises, you needed burdening US debt (lowering confidence it doesn't actually do anything right now from an economic stand point), mix that all up and it was just the right mixture.

Number 2) There is a difference between debt and deficit, Obama inherited a $1.1 trillion deficit. You then claim he created $8 trillion added to the national debt, ok .. there are 2 things wrong with this statement, that simple examination makes it clear it's non-sense? WHat legislative and or other initiative cost $8 trillion dollars... I'll assume what you say is correct, but please let me know what that money was spent on. You can't because your number is fictitious , the president doesn't control the purse strings congress does, and you let me know what $8 trillion dollar program Obama has that wasn't paid for. There is none. Finally, your statment is false because if you just go to the CBO cite, you will see that when Obama took office the national debt was $11.9 trillion it's $16 trillion today, so even if you can some how say Obama has some program that is larger than any program that we have today, I mean something bigger than Military , SS and MM combined ... at most we would have spent $4 trillion in debt on it. But, to answer the question, there is none, and your number is made up period ... the only initiative that has added deficit and debt that is in fact spending endorsed by the White House that didn't exist prior to Obama, was the 2009 stimulus and it cost $800 billion.

Number 3) Obama is a clintonite, the failure in working with the GOP, is because the GOP does not compromise today. They said their objective was to fail his presidency, they didn't say create jobs, didn't say improve the economy, didn't say even to cut spending , it was to fail the president of the United States. Yes, that's real grown up. You elected a bunch of tea-party folks who some how see "compromise" as a dirty word, Obama laid out a plan for $4 in cuts, only $1 revenue increase, how much more can Obama compromise than that? The GOP is the party that has people sign documents I'll never raise taxes, even if it's the fiscally right thing to do ... The short of it your claim about not reaching across the isle is simply a joke. you can't compromise with people who don't actually believe in compromise, not my idea, but by their own words.

Finally, the economy is worse argument, is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, no sane economist has ever made such a claim ... yes an economy with a dow that was 5000 points lower, and job losses of 750.000 jobs per month, banks closing left and right, GM and the US autoindustry about to be bankrupt ... is worse than an economy that adds jobs, 5000 point higher dow, a rebounded autoindustry and GM #1 in the world again (a position it has n't held since the 90's) ... Come on your comments on the health of the economy today vs 2008-2009, is simply a joke. Is the economy perfect no, but to imply that it's worse today than then, is just insane.

[citation][nom]spookyman[/nom]I could care less if a rich man tries hiding his money. If he did not have to worry about hiding it from Uncle Sam, maybe he invest that money into other endeavors.[/citation]

Yes, like emerging growth markets and factories overseas. Which does what for the US?

By the way if this is job creation comment,

jobs are created for 4 reasons

1) neccessity
2) demand
3) innovation
4) emerging and new markets.

because someone is rich doens't mean he creates a job, jobs are created for the 4 reasons mentioned above, and that's it. It doesn't require "a rich person" ...

And yet they weren't deregulated; there were and are still volumes of regulations.

No, the overspending does. Not stealing as much from people is never bad.

No, it did not. Keynes was completely wrong about most everything, actually. The stimulus merely staved off the real crash for a little longer.

Wrong. They are caused by government interference in the money/credit supply, causing malinvestments which inevitably fail and must be liquidated. This is the essence of the Austrian School's business cycle theory.

And only the Austrian School correctly predicted the depression we are in.

Actually, over half of all hospitals in the US are run by either a city, county, or state government or the federal government.

My point, though, is that it roads and such would be privately built and run.
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