Microsoft Launches PC Live Stand-Alone Client

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While there certainly not a lot of games that Live supports, there are more than eight...

FlatOut Ultimate Carnage to name one - this game even uses it as a basic DRM-like where you can't save games at all unless you're logged into Live. At least it was true when I bought and played it several months ago.
honestly, i dont care what people say about windows live... it doesn't bother me at all, and if was supported by x64 i would totally hop on...i use windows live for all windows-lice-esque games, and steam for the rest. im a bit skeptical of live games on steam... i heard you can't play online, and get achievements and such [forwindows live anyway]... correct me if im wrong.
I wouold love to frag some 360 users form my PC!!!!! Ohh please Microsoft!! I want to show how to run circles around them !!! Oh I would be soo giddy with joy to do that!!!
And I would love to frag some PC users :) A controller isn't necessarily a handicap for everyone. Some of us have decades of practice.
What does this article mean PC games are falling. Hardware sales are up and I have never been more excited for what lays on the horizon for PC games. The console will NEVER trump my shiny desktop.

Off Topic:
I remember a long since past preview on a game of a specific PC magazine for games (that's tough to narrow down). That allowed users to play via console and PC. They did a test run with the writers and it was very close. But in the end the PC users won.
Miserable DRM services have prevented me from buying at least five different games within the past few months. That's about $250 I'm not spending. Find a thousand people like me, and that turns into $250,000. I know DRM is a big issue with the need to fight piracy, but it's only making it worse. There are plenty of brilliant minds out there that can figure this one out. And until then I'll sit back and laugh with a vaguely amused sadness as the PC gaming industry crumbles to the ground. If I didn't have such issues with the ethics of piracy, I would be downloading cracked versions of those games I want to play, instead of paying the game companies $50 to rootkit, infect, and smash my $4000 computer to pieces. But instead, I miss out, and the money goes elsewhere, admittedly to better places.
[citation][nom]kami3k[/nom]also fix their fucking comment box.[/citation]
I agree. I've made numerous errors in spelling and grammar because I couldn't see what I was typing.
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