P.s. Hate on the little kid all you want, but besides his immense amount of money, he could walk outside and find about 2,000,000 girls right now who would bang his nuts off. Yeah, come back with some retort like "Lawl bro, but they'll all be 12"....I'm actually saying that he could find 2 mill girls who are 18+, and if we're going under 18, then raise that number to 10 million+.
The kid might be girly or gay to you, but the fact remains that a lot of you hate on him because it's socially "cool" and acceptable among society (especially on the internet).
You can call him whatever name you want, the fact is he's laughing at you all the way to the bank. He's going to live a life and have opportunities that you'll never have, even if you wanted. He'll have girls, money and careers you cannot have.
So yeah, he's gay, but we'd all want his life given the chance. Sounds like a bunch of butt-hurt hypocrites.
I'm by all means no Bieber fan, but I'm a realist that can see the obvious jealously and spite millions of you idiots have. Be honest, you're just pissed that he's rich and famous and you're not.
It's getting annoying as shit constantly turning on the TV and coming online, and reading about how people somehow have a new reason to hate on Bieber or joke about him. I'm sick of hearing about him, just STFU already. We get it, you're sad people who won't inspire to become nothing, but stop talking about the kid and let's maybe talk about something interesting. His name is like Chuck Norris....overplayed and just dumb now.