Microsoft May Talk About Windows Gaming In January

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Microsoft has been saying they are adding more focus to PC gaming for years. I wouldn't be to excited about anything other than DX12, maybe I'd be excited if they completely scrapped GFWL.
Definitely curious and eager to see what they have to announce! I know I'll get some flak here from "PC-purists", but I think it would be great if they announced native (xbox) controller support for Windows 10. By that I mean being able to control Windows 10's interface with a controller natively. Sure it would be limited compared to mouse and keyboard, but such a feature would still be very useful and would definitely make me upgrade to Windows 10 right away.
Just to say, this time I am not buying any new hardware just to be able to use DX12 !
They better make sure it works with current graphics cards.

DX12 will be 100% backwards compatible with DX11 GPUs is what they have been telling us since they announced it.
DX12 is all about what Mantle already does.
It is called " competition it is good for the market and it is good for technology to advance. In this Mantle prompted Mircosoft to make DX12 better and on a more timely schule if at all making it..
But Mantle only does GPGPU compute for CPU functions and graphics processing while DirectX does CPU compute, Graphics processing, Audio processing, redirecting of variables from one computer to another in a master server, and a few other things so DirectX is much more compahenive of what it covers.
With that said the new parts of DX12 is basicly a competeing software to Mantle yes.

DX12 will be 100% backwards compatible with DX11 GPUs is what they have been telling us since they announced it.

IIRC, GTX 400 and newer as well as HD7000 and newer. So just about any GPU made after 2010.
MS (the biggest software company in the planet EARTH): you are 10+ years too late to build up your digital distribution network on your own ****ing OS. Good luck... I just stay with Steam for my games (some are even support multiplatform between Win, Linux and Mac) and iTune for my media files. MS should be embarrassed that most Windows users are actually using Apple software to buy music/movies.

Do you think MS new "GFWL" will support Linux and Mac like Steam?

MS OS is still the (only) choice for PC gamers because...
- DirectX (but take a look how LONG for MS put some actual effort to bring it to next level?? There are not much development from DX9-11. Why? Because Xbox!!)
- Apple is still not care about gaming

In the other words, MS Windows is only one API away for PC gamers to give up gaming on Windows. IF another OS (hints: SteamOS) has developed something similar to DirectX (OpenGL? Mantle?) and most AAA game developers start using them, I don't see why people have to stay with a gaming OS that is always held back by a console.

honestly... direct x 9 made a game like witcher 2, it was at the time of launch, one of the best looking games made to date and still, years later, looks amazing.

directx 10... lets be honest, that failed because of vista and nothing else.

dx11 pretty much gave us everything we need, and if i understand it correctly, has yet to even be utilized fully in any game because of hardware not being powerful enough to handle it...

and like so many morons, if we make a hard push to 4k, hardware to push the graphics will be set back a few years as no one will be suicidal enough to put a game like crysis that can't even be played on available hardware out again and if you set it to anything less than near max, the game looks like hell.

dx12 is a bandaid to a potential threat... and that being platform independance... there is a fairly large portion of people who if they could would jump ship to linux if it wasn't for games holding them to windows.

you get people use to linux, and what will businesses start using... lets give a hint, photoshop is the standard because everyone pirated it and learned it, so businesses bought it because people already knew it.
Unless the Master Chief Collection is coming to Windows (followed by Halo 5), anything they have to say about PC gaming is just smoke IMO. If they won't commit their biggest game franchise to Windows, then they can't expect gamers to take their claims seriously. For a studio like 343/Microsoft there is no technical reason the whole collection can't be ported, as it's now the same hardware and graphics APIs as PCs use.

well Apple doesn't care because that isnt their demographic that they market to. Plan and simple why spend money on R&D when there are going to be no returns on it? That is just bad business so Apple most likely will continue to support any and all open standards or at least that is what i understand of their operating system model. Same thing wtih Linux just more openly and more customizeable interfaces is all.
Windows's main selling point is that it is virtually compatable with almost everything.

And to those who are saying that they will not buy new hardware for DX12 nVidia is already certifing thier cards for DX12 as they have the inside knowelge of how it will work i think the same with AMD but i am unsure on that part.
I never felt "forced" in any way, I didn't like "games for windows" anyways...

I do most of my gaming in Windows 7 64 bit with games from multiple sources...
what is " games for windows " i have heard of it but never really looked into it as i mainly just use Steam for all my stuff and Orgin when EA makes me to play their games.
As long as games for windows live comes back. I miss purchasing games than having the gfwl server tell me the serial is invalid. Happened with fallout 3 and a couple other games.
Microsoft has been saying they are adding more focus to PC gaming for years. I wouldn't be to excited about anything other than DX12, maybe I'd be excited if they completely scrapped GFWL.
They already did completely scrap GFWL.... no game coming out today uses that DRM and many of those that did use that DRM have had it removed and have gone to Steamworks 'DRM'.
Until Adobe decides to release the creative suite on the Linux kernel I'm stuck with Windows. I'd hop to Arch Linux right now if it weren't for that. The only game I play anymore these days is source lol

so basicly it is properity software of companies who do not want to port to Linux and/or port to Mac that are keeping windows alive?
Software for games, for graphic design, for CAD, for sound editing, and for most business related projects it is all on windows but not so much on Mac but alot of it is also compatabile to go through a Linux server ussualy a Red Hat Linux Server.
um Red Hat Linux and Fedora are basicly the same thing just Red Hat Linux is the cream of the crop of codeing and mostly close source while Fedora is open source and a try and fail for features that will go into Red Hat Linux some make it some do not but as it is open source it is free so a free way to find out if your company will run well with a Red Hat Linux server as Red Hat Provides very good server OS support to their properity OS not so good to the open source one though Googleing it ussualy works better than going through a tech support person. Googleing now adays ussualy works better than tech support unless it is an obtuse problem.
Well isn't that how any OS is supported? Through third party and overall consumer and enterprise usage? The reason why there is no Creative Suite for Linux, is because not many people have asked for it. Most people are just fine and dandy living with Windows. To Adobe, undertaking the task of developing for an OS that is unfamiliar to them is like reinventing the wheel.

I hope I'm misinterpreting this statement, because it sounds way too much like "we need to talk". gaming on windows isn't broken, I really hope they're not trying to fix it. it's entirely possible that the "talk" could be about good things, like DX12 and scrapping games for windows live (why does that even exist?).....but phil spencer is the head of xbox. why would the head of _xbox_ discuss gaming on windows _desktop_? I hope to gaben almighty that MS isn't going to try to integrate their peasantbox into the desktop environment.

I hear what you're saying and I agree to an extent, but I think apple could attract gamers if they tried. the newest imac has a 5k IPS screen @ 60hz and a core i5. if they replaced the AMD GPU with a GTX 970 or 980, that would be a top-of-the-line gaming rig. if they paid developers to port some popular games to OSX, and worked with steam to have a mac sale, that could get the ball the rolling on mac gaming.

Adobe actually answered that before in a statement to a linux conference a few years back. It is because they would have to make some of their closed source codeing open source and they do not want to do that. This is probably because that is what makes them feel like their software is superier to the others. Becuase Adobe CS is not open source or at least not Open Source enough to run on most versions of Linux without WineHQ or some other compatablity software to help it run most ppl have windows.
As most people and most businesses run windows the companies makeing the software make it for windows thus when more businesses go over to Linux more companies will devlop with Linux compatability in mind.
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