Microsoft Scraps Dual-Screen Tablet, the Courier

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It looks really nice, but they're probably trying to focus their efforts on pushing Windows 7 Mobile. As sweet as it looks, it'd just be another "me too" product that'd end up as a cash sink. I think it's smart that they're trying to migrate away from that.

This was exactly the thing I want as a student. You could have a text book on screen while taking notes on the other. It's really too bad this is being scrapped.
[citation][nom]vant[/nom]Saw the iPad and probably thought they couldn't compete.[/citation]

Perhaps, but I doubt it. Either way it's sad. I know a lot of people who would prefer one of these over an iPad.

I've wanted this style of device since Palm Pilot IIIx were new and these pics seem much more elegant than MSI dual screen tablet. Guess I'l keep dreaming 🙁
It's a wonderful concept in my opinion, but the reason it's halted right now is probably because they were confronted with two problems:

1. A normal LED screen would consume too much energy, and so two OLED screens would have to be used, but that would probably be too expensive.

2. The battery would have to give the same 10 hour as the iPad to be competitive, and it's more difficult to achieve this with two screens and an Atom CPU that still hasn't got to 32nm or lower. The battery would necessarily be too bulky and too heavy.

But this is temporary; battery technology is evolving, the CPU is just a matter if time; and the OLED.. well. if the two first factors get taken care of, they might get away with LED LCD.
Darn. This thing looked like it had a lot of potential. The 2 screens would make many tasks easier, like the aforementioned note taking, or even chatting on one screen while surfing the net on the other. Oh, the possibilities...
Come on guys. How about instead of following the market, you bring something new to the table.
I want a laptop which has two screens, and you can fold it up to use one screen as a touch screen keyboard. Sure, it might be difficult to type on at first, but you'd get used to it.
I can't imagine using any less than 2 monitors now.
"that was some amazing stuff from MS. they could have won this race!"

Doubt it. The US media is definitely pro crApple and against MS. Although this product seems like an intelligent device.
Microsoft needs to take a lesson from Apple. It's not just about hardware - it's about marketing. If they could have actually made Courier a reality, then did some re-branding with a sleeker logo (not the lame 'MICROSOFT') then they could have had a slam dunk winner on their hands.
Likely, MS looked at the costs and figured it would be too expensive to do which is unfortunate. The courier *is* the superior device for the tablet market.
MS needs to focus on and improve upon things they are good at. Portable media devices is definitely one of their weakest segments so throw in the towel already. As far as a consumer I would rather see them spend their R&D money on the Windows, Office, XBOX, Natal, etc.
Oddly I didn't find it appealing at all...

A Win 7 slate with USB ports and low power usage is the brass ring right now... Love or hate the iPad, at least it will drive some consumer awareness and get us to a gen 2 slate sooner than later...

I predict having my Win7 slate in hand in about 18 months....
I am actually saddened by this. This is a device that captured my attention and I was looking forward to hearing the price (and specs, but that was less significant, as long as it worked). From the little info Gizmodo had, it looked ideal for me.
wow Isisyodin i have to disagree with you completely i think microsoft has done a very good job with the zune hd.. i love it i pay 15 bucks a month and listen to all the legal music i want. And this dual screen idea is really where things are going to head. it just makes sense
i must say that i think microsoft did a awsome job on the Zune HD almost all my freinds would have gotten one if they didnt already have a ipod... and i think this is where the future will be. Dual screen just makes sense
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