Microsoft Sold 40 Million Windows 8 Licenses in 1 Month

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Jun 8, 2007
Yes and they are all on oem machines sitting around in stores, i run a computer store and sold ZERO copies, my suppliers in Toronto sold a few copies and say it's not selling.
The board i'm on technibble most of have not sold any either and most are downgrading from 8 to 7 for customers and i have done same for laptops that came with windows 8 customers hate it and downgrade to 7.



Nov 28, 2012
Umm there is no choice available between desktop and metro like gnome and kde? well there wont be any w8 sold to me


Aug 26, 2011
That is a big one-month number. The challenge is maintaining general good momentum after the price goes back up come February 1. I still believe that a lot of the hate on Win 8 has been overblown, and there are a lot of people who have been scared away from the OS by these overblown stories of how bad it is. Good for MSFT. Soon we will have people who actually want to constructively contribute to improving the system.
Windows 8 would have been fantastic for new computers for 40 bucks if it had no metro and had a start menu. I love start8 for bringing back the start menu for Windows 8.

I'm sure Microsoft will reevaluate metro for the desktop and bring back the start button after all the hate.
I wouldn't say insanely cheap but more insanely reasonable price. Still doesn't match Apples insanely cheap upgrade price of $19.99. Given the first DOS OS was around this price seems M$ may have finally done some analysis of their pricing. I would expect if they continue to make new versions on Apples time line M$ should actually reduce price a bit more.


Jan 23, 2011
[citation][nom]techguy911[/nom]Yes and they are all on oem machines sitting around in stores, i run a computer store and sold ZERO copies.[/citation]

You sell as much as you want to sell. You're either a shit salesman or, more likely, don't care for windows 8 and are suggesting customers buy other machines.

I, as well, work for a B&M PC store, and we've sold a couple (not a lot, but a few) windows 8 machines since it's come out. I'll walk everybody through the machines and we have a windows 8 machine with SSD & jacked up specs.

Our first purchase was by a 60-70 year old lady! I threw in a free Windows 8 reference book to ease her through the transition!


Nov 28, 2012
Keep in mind that corporations that use microsoft licensing usually purchase software assurance and of those 40 million probably 39.9 million was the already paid software that most wont install at all. the other 100k is on display just waiting to be downgraded


Mar 29, 2007
[citation][nom]edogawa[/nom]Windows 8 would have been fantastic for new computers for 40 bucks if it had no metro and had a start menu. I love start8 for bringing back the start menu for Windows 8.I'm sure Microsoft will reevaluate metro for the desktop and bring back the start button after all the hate.[/citation]

Don't hold your breath. Tablets will soon dominate PC sales. Putting Metro on Windows 8 is about getting people used to what MS will use on Tablets. If people become used to the look and feel of metro, then they will be more likely to get a MS tablet, vs another tablet with a different OS. They have the obvious market share of PC, and they know that market is getting smaller.

MS is looking to the future at the expense of what people believe they want in a current OS.

As for the 40 mill being on OEM machines, I doubt it. Lets say only half of those were sales in the US. Take 20 mill and / it by 50 states, 400,000 machines. That would be a quite a few OEM PCs.


May 21, 2008
m$ could of sold 100 billion copys of windows 8 for all i care truth is its the worst operating system since windows me, vista was bad but this is even worse, at least vista kept the start bar and didnt force you into the metro ui, m$ were deludeing themself into thinking anyone other then touch screen owners was going to willingly spend even $1 on this joke called a operating system, if m$ carrys on thinking like this with its future software they wont even be in business in 5 years.


May 2, 2006
Windows 8 may not be perfect but it is not nearly as bad as some make out to be.

My mother is 59 and a novice computer user at best and when I visited her for Thanksgiving I took her to the store and bought her very first laptop which had Windows 8 installed on it. She is in love with her new computer. Even though the last computer she had was a Windows XP machine it took her less than a full day to get used to and even prefer the new Windows 8 interface.

Now my Dad, who is a BF3 gamer and Windows 7 user, has been playing with my moms Windows 8 laptop and is begging me to upgrade his laptop to Windows 8 too.

Sure Windows 8 interface is not perfect and has some quirks but I can even say that after a few hours I adjusted to it and started to like it myself. For all of these "reviewers", "analysts", and critics saying the interface is confusing and too hard for average people to use I say your either stupid or full of shit. If my 59 & 60 year old mom and dad can learn to use, and like/prefer, Windows 8 in a day then so can most other people.


I paid for the $15 upgrade on a newly purchased machine just in case I want to use Windows 8 at some point in the future. I expect I won't but it's cheap insurance. I suspect there are others like me.
Just bought a copy for my son he has been running evaluation version since his upgrade late summer. I have multiple copies of XP that can take the upgrade and this is way cheaper than 7.
I would never have considered this as an upgrade from 7 but from XP it is fine.


With numbers like these, Metro won't go anywhere, and it sure doesn't matter if the "Haters" upgrade or not with numbers like that. You be dinosaurs, while the rest of the world laughs at your temper tantrums and threats and moves on to new and better things.

Nice to hear there's more grown ups in the world than spoiled, rotten, crybabies that throw a fit when something isn't how they want it.


Aug 15, 2012
[citation][nom]DEVILVSANGEL00[/nom]m$ could of sold 100 billion copys of windows 8 for all i care truth is its the worst operating system since windows me, vista was bad but this is even worse, at least vista kept the start bar and didnt force you into the metro ui, m$ were deludeing themself into thinking anyone other then touch screen owners was going to willingly spend even $1 on this joke called a operating system, if m$ carrys on thinking like this with its future software they wont even be in business in 5 years.[/citation]
I hate to pull the "have you even used it?" card but I have to. Really, have you used it at all?. No you're NOT forced to use the UI. I, in fact, spend 97% of my time in desktop mode. To say W8 is worse than vista just makes you look ignorant because this OS has already been proven to perform better than W7 (maybe not for gaming but overall it is). It's nowhere near what Vista was at launch. If you like start menu there are alternatives to bring it back, but I personally only ever used the old start menu to open control panel and everything else is done via keyboard shortcuts so this is a non-issue for me. I got W8 because it was a cheap upgrade but I really think people like you exaggerate wayyy too much. Much like the old start menu, MS will look at the data once again and realize that not many people on desktops use the new 'start' menu and will hopefully come up with something new and better to replace it for W9.
[citation][nom]techguy911[/nom]Yes and they are all on oem machines sitting around in stores, i run a computer store and sold ZERO copies, my suppliers in Toronto sold a few copies and say it's not selling.The board i'm on technibble most of have not sold any either and most are downgrading from 8 to 7 for customers and i have done same for laptops that came with windows 8 customers hate it and downgrade to 7.[/citation]
Dude... you are doing something terribly wrong. I build systems on the side and I have already sold 4 machines with win8 on them. That is more machines than I have done in the last 3 years combined (like I said, this is just a side thing I do). Even the local Microcenter here actually sold out of upgrade discs at one point. Win8 moves pretty easily if you sell it and stand behind it rather than treating it like it is some dirty thing that you do not really want to sell.

Truth be told I did have to train them a little bit on how to use the new OS (took a whole 15minutes), and I did get a few questions the week after, but now they all seem to be humming right along. Even my wife has had no issues moving to win8, and she is not exactly tech savvy. After a few weeks on it she even figured out a few tricks that I didn't even know, and I had used it since the first beta.

As others have said; it is not perfect (and neither is win7), and there is that entry learning curve, but after that it really goes pretty easily.


Aug 30, 2010

If you are spending "97%" of the time in Desktop mode..............

WHY have Metro in the first place??????? Oh, that's right - for $$$$$ for the apps store.
[citation][nom]drosencraft[/nom]That is a big one-month number. The challenge is maintaining general good momentum after the price goes back up come February 1. I still believe that a lot of the hate on Win 8 has been overblown, and there are a lot of people who have been scared away from the OS by these overblown stories of how bad it is. Good for MSFT. Soon we will have people who actually want to constructively contribute to improving the system.[/citation]
The $40 price is for upgrades, not new builds. The price is already the normal price for new builds, and will not change in Feb. By Feb anyone who wants to upgrade will have had their chance.


Apr 14, 2010
I backed up my drive before installing,nuked it and installed 8 pro. After finding out how aggravating it is, I shrank the volume and dumped my win7pro backup into the free space. I like the way win 8 works after I put classic shell on it, but calling it "pro" and omitting features win7 pro had doesn't sit well with me. Some people actually use windows dvd maker.
[citation][nom]davewolfgang[/nom]If you are spending "97%" of the time in Desktop mode..............WHY have Metro in the first place??????? Oh, that's right - for $$$$$ for the apps store.[/citation]
For the desktop: it is faster for most things, takes better advantage of hardware, has built in VHD and VCD mounting (which works wonderfully!), more secure, better networking (homegroups work properly, never got it to work right in win7), move from home to pro which moves my max ram from 16GB to 32GB (mobo cap, not OS cap), and more seamless content and social media use.

For the netbooks: runs smother, less ram used by OS, more than 1 hour of extra battery life (4 hours to 5.5 hours on my use), and the content and social media stuff that is 'baked in'.

For the wife's PC: she likes the new start menu because it is more useful and easier to find stuff than the win7 start menu. Personally I disagree on that point, but that is her opinion.

There are plenty of changes in win8 from win7 other than the superficial interface changes. It really is a better OS. Not revolutionary... but definitely $40 better.
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