[citation][nom]rklein03[/nom]This is just taking the whole joke Ballmer tried to crack too far. Honestly if anyone at Microsoft really is offended that an employee uses an Iphone they have bigger issues. What it all boils down to is some employees want to play it safe and don't want to rock the boat. Even if they had their Iphone on their desk it would not matter, not a big deal and I am sure that Microsoft feels the same way. Now when your talking the execs, they may indeed choose to not use one, not because they were told not to, but because they are more loyal to the brand than someone that files paperwork and does data entry.[/citation]
Yea, seriously. general employees, this should not be an issue for. however, lets say a lead programmer, team lead, or manager in a department that WORK ON Windows Mobile, THAT might be taken with a odd colored light...
Microsoft actually has Apple programmers on staff, in fact, they've released several iPhone apps, and a slew of Mac based software (and the first ever Microsoft spreadsheet, Multiplan, predecessor to Excel, was for a Mac.) They have a long history of working with apple, not against it, with the exception of the OS market.