>If any tampering to the core system OS and the Apps that allow the parents to keep checks on their kids is even slightly messed with or attempts at spoofing with fake GPS the device sends a text to the parents device and then calls the parents device and the kid can then explain WTH is going on either way time to come home and get grounded if they were also caught doing something they were not supposed to and also either way all of their tech devices gone for a week maybe 2.
As a 22 y/o, I remember being a teenager and I remember my dad and step-mom being assholes and being over-bearing, and I'm extremely glad that garbage like this wasn't used on me, and on behalf of the teenagers (and some of the kids) out there who have/had overbearing asshole parent(s), I'd like to say "FUCK YOU!" as loud and as offensively as I can.
People like you need to rethink parenthood and need to rethink how they're living their lives.
What this does is empower parents to be assholes, sometimes even ones that might not otherwise be, in some cases.
It is natural for kids and especially teens to have secrets from their parents.
If any well-meaning parent sees this and still believes it's a good idea, consider this: is having and attempting to exercise this control over your teen or preteen worth having them grow to dispise you and your unfair control over them?
I'd also like to say that respect is earned, not given.
This is not to be confused with politeness, which should be shown til the person proves themselves beyond a shadow of a doubt to be undeserving of your politeness.
Let this be a life lesson: if you want your kids to respect you, respect them (and their privacy) and earn it: being respectable and respectful is a start.