Question Mics do not work on my pc properly

Feb 21, 2020

So ive tried like 5 mics on my new pc, but they hardly detect my voice, only the cracking sounds when the cable hits the table or i touch the plastic on the mic.
This means that I can totally shout, but people will only hear a weak chewbacca sound from the distance, while if i gently hit the plastic part on the mic, it is loud for everyone.
Ive tried configuring the mics, tried several inputs, and everything that basic instructions say, but it does not work.

Do you have any idea what is the problem? :)


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS.

Windows 10? Try running the built in troubleshooters. The troubleshooters may find and fix something.

New PC:

Have you opened the case to verify that all internal connections, cards, cables, and jumpers are fully and firmly in place.

What make and model mic's are you using? Do the mics work on other known working computers?

Reinstall the applicable drivers. Download via the manufacturer's website, reinstall, and reconfigure.