Feb 11, 2019
So as the title states I'm missing about 76GB ~ish storage on my SSD and have no clue what it may be at this point. I have tried running a ccleaner first that didn't do much and check for duplicates and such... ccleaner was no help. The after reading some forums I tried WinDirStat normally and nothing added up then ran it in admin and still ended with no luck. After some more time I then tried going to system properties and turned off protections settings of course of the system(was the only one on) I believe that only freed up around a few GB but nothing drastic, I also deleted any restore points to be sure and still nothing. Been trying to figure this out for the better part of a week and nothing so far. If anyone could point me/ guide me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.


Feb 11, 2019
Have you enabled the viewing of hidden files in Explorer? I do notice that .sys and .dll files are taking up a huge amount of space according to the windirstat analysis, which seems highly unusual.
Yeah, that was the first thing I checked and no luck on that either. There was just an old file worth a few MB's but that was it.
Hmm. Looking down that upper right-hand pane in WinDirStat, there's some pretty weird stuff. Besides the unusual size of .sys and .dll files, there's 11GB between "." - "local disk" and ".file" files, which I've never seen. You might get some insight by looking at where those are. Also the .sb extension is unusual unless you're programming some rather specific types of projects.