I found this on reseller ratings. One of the posters put this information:
"If you would like to contact Brian Bang, owner of Edge Micro and Computer XP, you can reach him with the following information:
Home # 541-343-7726
Cell # 541-954-0339
3158 North Ride Rd
Eugene, OR 97401
Their other computer business, Computer XP, located on West 11th Rd in Eugene OR has a shop # as well, and that is:
541-284-2505 "
<A HREF="http://www.resellerratings.com/seller1992.html" target="_new">http://www.resellerratings.com/seller1992.html</A>
From what I know, the place is now called Computer Xp Online. If you can't reach him, report him to the BBB.
<b>C Programmers do it recursively.</b>