MN-720 and Dell Inspiron 5150



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.broadbandnet.hardware (More info?)

I have two MN-720 working with a base station MN-700.
Two notebooks, each one with a MN-720, a IBM T40 and a
Dell Inspiron 5150. I keep losing connection at my Dell,
what does not happen with the IBM. Both have the
software same configuration.
Does anyone have any idea of what can be happening?

Thanks for any help,
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.broadbandnet.hardware (More info?)

I can't really help you to solve the problem but I think
that I can help you to eliminate any HW comaptability
theory with the 5150, I have a similar problem as you, 2
laptops; one an HP Pavilion and one a Dell 5150 and the
Dell is the one that works great, absolutely no
problems. The HP won't connect with the MN-720 no matter
what (WEP key "wrong" or DHCP timesout). The HP does
have a built in wireless NIC (802.11b) so that may be
causing the issue. If your 5150 has a built in wireless
NIC that may be the problem, though I doubt it. I went
so far as to remove the built in wireless and reinstalled
WinXP and it still didn't work.

>-----Original Message-----
>I have two MN-720 working with a base station MN-700.
>Two notebooks, each one with a MN-720, a IBM T40 and a
>Dell Inspiron 5150. I keep losing connection at my
>what does not happen with the IBM. Both have the
>software same configuration.
>Does anyone have any idea of what can be happening?
>Thanks for any help,