Monitor Goes Black during startup and after. Anyone got a solution.


Dec 30, 2011
monitor starting fading to nothing all of a sudden - screen black. I turn monitor off then on, and for like one second, the monitor comes on but goes black. is this mean i need new monitor or could something else be problem? i cant afford buying new monitor if not problem...if you know what i mean
It is probably the monitor, but first boot up into Safe Mode, and if the monitor acts fine change the screen settings to something simple like 1024x768 with a 60Hz refresh. Reboot, and that still works then change the display settings to native, but keep the 60Hz refresh if you have an LCD or 70/72Hz if you have a CRT.

You said it "faded" to nothing. Sounds like the back light might need to be replaced. Either CCFL or LED.