Hi, I've been losing my monitor signal, usually when idle. This started about a month ago. I've disabled sleep entirely in the power plan. This doesn't help at all. This was happening almost every day. It would usually occur within about 4 minutes of booting the PC. I've changed drives multiple times, via DDU in safe mode to no avail. It happens in games, but rarely. I was able to recreate the even though when I discovered playing Far Cry 6 in demo mode with Ray Tracing enabled. This is the only reliable method to trigger the event. As you can see in my signature, I have an RTX 3080 that isn't even a year old yet.
Oddly enough, when I forcibly shut down the PC down and then boot it up, it seems stable and I can do anything on it. If I restart it, it will happen after around 4 minutes after booting it up. It can start up fine and I can be gaming and this happens as well, but it usually happens when the PC is idle or I'm barely taxing it. I've also used HWiNFO64 and all temps and voltages seem fine with the CPU and GPU as well as the 12v, 5, & 3.3v.
I believe this is a PSU issue because of what I've experienced in the past, and what I've seen from others posting, but I'd still like to hear what you guys think too. When using a multimeter, I had a PSU problem where the voltages all seemed fine. I had a GTX 1070, and it ran everything fine with no problem. I then bought an RTX 2080 and I started having random crashes. I sent the GPU back, got another and the same problem persisted, but only when I had my PSU replaced did it fix the problem I had, and still do have a Corsair HX850 Gold. They replaced it with HX850 Platinum because I had a warranty on it. The replacement looked and smelled new, but it still could be a refurbished PSU or just a new one that went bad after 4 years.
Looking at the Reliability Monitor, it gives me THIS error often. It just doesn't make any sense to me when I can play a demanding game for hours like Halo Infinite campaign, even Wolfenstein 2 TNC, Borderlands 3, Far Cry 6 (without RT enabled) without any problems. I've even run torture tests using Cinebench r23 all solid.
Oddly enough, when I forcibly shut down the PC down and then boot it up, it seems stable and I can do anything on it. If I restart it, it will happen after around 4 minutes after booting it up. It can start up fine and I can be gaming and this happens as well, but it usually happens when the PC is idle or I'm barely taxing it. I've also used HWiNFO64 and all temps and voltages seem fine with the CPU and GPU as well as the 12v, 5, & 3.3v.
I believe this is a PSU issue because of what I've experienced in the past, and what I've seen from others posting, but I'd still like to hear what you guys think too. When using a multimeter, I had a PSU problem where the voltages all seemed fine. I had a GTX 1070, and it ran everything fine with no problem. I then bought an RTX 2080 and I started having random crashes. I sent the GPU back, got another and the same problem persisted, but only when I had my PSU replaced did it fix the problem I had, and still do have a Corsair HX850 Gold. They replaced it with HX850 Platinum because I had a warranty on it. The replacement looked and smelled new, but it still could be a refurbished PSU or just a new one that went bad after 4 years.
Looking at the Reliability Monitor, it gives me THIS error often. It just doesn't make any sense to me when I can play a demanding game for hours like Halo Infinite campaign, even Wolfenstein 2 TNC, Borderlands 3, Far Cry 6 (without RT enabled) without any problems. I've even run torture tests using Cinebench r23 all solid.