[SOLVED] Monitor suddenly stopped working

Nov 13, 2021
When I woke up this morning my monitor had a large black bar across it and some of the pixels were moving and kind of freakin’ out. It was totally fine the night before, I didn’t drop it or crack the screen or anything. When I unplug it from my computer it still does the same thing so I’m pretty sure it’s the monitor and not the computer.

is this fixable? Is it worth fixing or should I just buy a new monitor?

video of the screen:
Clarify: "tried my second monitor in its place " - the second monitor worked - correct?

When it comes to electronics and power supplies an improperly working power source/supply is likely to result in any number of performance problems. Yet the problem could still be within the monitor itself.

A new power supply or other repair may or may not fix the problem. And something else may very well go astray. Especially with the monitor being 4 years old.

Likely nearing or even in its' designed in EOL (End of Life).

My thought and suggestion is to spend the $30 towards a new monitor with a warranty if at all possible.

Likely to be some good sales about....
Make and model monitor (Samsung = blurry guess)? Age?

"When I unplug it from my computer it still does the same thing "....

Meaning without any connections at all to some video source?

I would try connecting to another known working video source - another computer.

Try another known working monitor in its' place with the existing power and video cables.

Also try other known working power and video cables.

Narrow down the problem source directly or by elimination.
Make and model monitor (Samsung = blurry guess)? Age?

"When I unplug it from my computer it still does the same thing "....

Meaning without any connections at all to some video source?

I would try connecting to another known working video source - another computer.

Try another known working monitor in its' place with the existing power and video cables.

Also try other known working power and video cables.

Narrow down the problem source directly or by elimination.

It's a Phillips monitor, not sure of the exact model buy my best guess is a 246E9QDSB and it's about 4 years old.

Yes - when it's not plugged into any video source I can still tell it's distorting in the same way.

I have tried all of those suggestions with no luck - hooked up to a different computer, tried my second monitor in its place, tried different ports on the computer and a different cable.

The only thing I haven't tried is another power source and that is because I don't have a replacement. I'm hesitant to do that because it looks like that might be another $30 or so, I'd have to wait a few days for it to come in, and it seems like that is not likely the cause of the error. Do you think the power source would cause this kind of behavior, is screen distorting like this common when the power supply is not working properly?

Thanks for your help!
Clarify: "tried my second monitor in its place " - the second monitor worked - correct?

When it comes to electronics and power supplies an improperly working power source/supply is likely to result in any number of performance problems. Yet the problem could still be within the monitor itself.

A new power supply or other repair may or may not fix the problem. And something else may very well go astray. Especially with the monitor being 4 years old.

Likely nearing or even in its' designed in EOL (End of Life).

My thought and suggestion is to spend the $30 towards a new monitor with a warranty if at all possible.

Likely to be some good sales about....
Clarify: "tried my second monitor in its place " - the second monitor worked - correct?

When it comes to electronics and power supplies an improperly working power source/supply is likely to result in any number of performance problems. Yet the problem could still be within the monitor itself.

A new power supply or other repair may or may not fix the problem. And something else may very well go astray. Especially with the monitor being 4 years old.

Likely nearing or even in its' designed in EOL (End of Life).

My thought and suggestion is to spend the $30 towards a new monitor with a warranty if at all possible.

Likely to be some good sales about....

Yes, the second monitor worked.

and I agree, I think I will look at a new monitor at this point.

Thanks for the timely reply and your help! :)