It can but you will need to change your power settings for it to work. At present the power settings on your laptop will either sleep, hibernate or shutdown your laptop when you close the lid.
Hopefully you are running 7 so this works (it can be done with other OSes but I don't know offhand how to change th epower settings on those)
Start -> Control Panel -> Power Options (Small/Large Icons)
Under "Preferred Plans" you will have a few options. Beside the active plans click "Change plan settings" -> Change advanced power settings -> Scroll down to and expand "Power buttons and lid" -> Under "Lid action" select "do nothing"
It can but you will need to change your power settings for it to work. At present the power settings on your laptop will either sleep, hibernate or shutdown your laptop when you close the lid.
Hopefully you are running 7 so this works (it can be done with other OSes but I don't know offhand how to change th epower settings on those)
Start -> Control Panel -> Power Options (Small/Large Icons)
Under "Preferred Plans" you will have a few options. Beside the active plans click "Change plan settings" -> Change advanced power settings -> Scroll down to and expand "Power buttons and lid" -> Under "Lid action" select "do nothing"
It can but you will need to change your power settings for it to work. At present the power settings on your laptop will either sleep, hibernate or shutdown your laptop when you close the lid.
Hopefully you are running 7 so this works (it can be done with other OSes but I don't know offhand how to change th epower settings on those)
Start -> Control Panel -> Power Options (Small/Large Icons)
Under "Preferred Plans" you will have a few options. Beside the active plans click "Change plan settings" -> Change advanced power settings -> Scroll down to and expand "Power buttons and lid" -> Under "Lid action" select "do nothing"
Yes, I did mean Window 7. I think, but am not 100%, you get to the control panel in 8.1 by right clicking on the Start Button on the desktop (not metro) and selecting Control Panel. I hope the rest is the same.
G'Day Paul3742,
Fantastic support you have given me and thanks so much for replying so fast.
I'll let you know next week when I have set it all up and get it running,
again thanks heaps, glad I joint here.
It can but you will need to change your power settings for it to work. At present the power settings on your laptop will either sleep, hibernate or shutdown your laptop when you close the lid.
Hopefully you are running 7 so this works (it can be done with other OSes but I don't know offhand how to change th epower settings on those)
Start -> Control Panel -> Power Options (Small/Large Icons)
Under "Preferred Plans" you will have a few options. Beside the active plans click "Change plan settings" -> Change advanced power settings -> Scroll down to and expand "Power buttons and lid" -> Under "Lid action" select "do nothing"
Would like to take time out and thank you both I have my computer attached to my 24" monitor and working all well.
Thanks for feed back, it was very nice of you both to help out someone in need.
Happy computing cya fellas.