More Details On Planetary Landings For ‘Horizons’ Expansion In ‘Elite: Dangerous’

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the game mechanics are really good at the moment, but it's way too generic. every station in every system you visit is the same, and it feels like a second job if you trade for money or go mining... More variation is needed, and more freedom.
childofthekorn - I haven't played the beta, but they have said the transition from super-cruise to orbital-cruise is seamless and without any 'loading screen' or whatnot - If there is a transition, I'm guessing it will be similar to what it's currently like when you shut off super-cruise without a destination lock. Not sure about limits on players landing on a single planet or how they handle instancing, but they've said there will definitely be PVP and PVE when sub-orbital.

NightLight - Yeah, I've been playing off and on since August 2014. The missions have gotten better at times but are still repetitive. At this point (having made enough credits trading/smuggling/hunting/etc) I play the game much more casually and spend most of my time exploring. Not for everyone, I know, but I've always liked astronomy and exploring some of my favorite stars and nebulae in a 1:1 Milky Way is pretty cool. There are some amazing sights out there - Frontier's art-team did a great job. I still can't get over the beauty of some of the asteroid fields and planetary rings out there. I'll often just fly down into the rings, dodge rocks and ice, and then 'land' on a large rock and take some pictures (indeed we explorers are an odd lot). But anyway, unless you actually find these things interesting, it's probably best not to go exploring as it might bore you to the point of self-destructing 😉

I was really excited about Horizons but then found out that only airless (no atmosphere) planets work for orbital-cruise and landings. This includes high-metal, rocky, and icy as long as they have no atmosphere (I assume metal-rich would be included too but haven't seen it said specifically). I was hoping to go back and land on the Earth-likes I've discovered, but not with this expansion 🙁 They've stated that atmospheric landings are to be included in a future expansion but not Horizons.
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