
Jan 28, 2013
ok i have 2 pc's this one is obviously hooked up to the net, the other one works fine, but when i try and plug it into the modem it tells me no internet connection even when i unplug this one and plug the other in. can ya help me?


I will assume that you are using the same cable and modem port so that you know they work. What type Internet connection do you have, DSL or cable modem?

Check in the device manager to see if the network adapter and its driver are listed as working properly. If so, check in the network control panel, change adapter settings, right click on the Ethernet (LAN) adapter, select properties, highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 and select properties -- insure that it has the box checked to automatically obtain an IP address.

If all of that is okay, then connect the 2nd machine, open a command prompt box and type ipconfig /release and then ipconfig /renew

If you want to attach two computers it is a lot easier to just buy a cheap router for around $30.